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How to apply padding to arrays with NumPy

How to apply padding to arrays with NumPy

How to apply padding to arrays with NumPyHow to apply padding to arrays with NumPy
Image by freepik

Padding is the process of adding extra elements to the edges of an array. This may sound simple, but it has a variety of applications that can significantly improve the functionality and performance of your data processing tasks.

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Suppose you are working with image data. Often, the edges of the image can be problematic when applying filters or performing convolution operations, because there are not enough adjacent pixels to apply the operations consistently. Padding the image (adding rows and columns of pixels around the original image) ensures that every pixel is treated equally, resulting in a more accurate and visually appealing output.

You might be wondering if padding is limited to image processing. The answer is no. In deep learning, padding is crucial when working with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). It allows you to preserve the spatial dimensions of your data across successive layers of the network, preventing the data from shrinking with each operation. This is especially important when preserving the original features and structure of your input data.

In time series analysis, padding can help align sequences of different lengths. This alignment is essential for feeding data into machine learning models, where consistency in input size is often required.

In this article, you will learn how to apply padding to arrays using NumPy. You will also learn the different types of padding and best practices for using NumPy to pad arrays.


The numpy.pad function is the go-to tool in NumPy for adding padding to arrays. The syntax of this function is shown below:

numpy.pad(array, pad_width, mode=”constant”, **kwargs)


  • series: The input array you want to add padding to.
  • path_width: This is the number of values ​​that are padded to the edges of each axis. It specifies the number of elements to add to each end of the array’s axes. It can be a single integer (same padding for all axes), a tuple of two integers (different padding for each end of the axis), or an array of such tuples for different axes.
  • mode: This is the method used for padding, it determines the type of padding to be applied. Common modes are: null, edge, symmetric, etc.
  • soft cheese: These are additional keyword arguments depending on the mode.

Let’s look at an array example and see how we can add padding to it using NumPy. For simplicity, we’ll focus on one type of padding: zero padding, which is the most common and simple.

Step 1: Creating the array

First, let’s create a simple 2D array to work with:

import numpy as np
# Create a 2D array
array = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
print("Original Array:")


Original Array:
((1 2)
 (3 4))

Step 2: Add Zero Padding

Next, we add zero padding to this array. We use the np.pad function to achieve this. We specify a padding width of 1, adding one row/column of zeros around the entire array.

# Add zero padding
padded_array = np.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode="constant", constant_values=0)
print("Padded Array with Zero Padding:")


Padded Array with Zero Padding:
((0 0 0 0)
 (0 1 2 0)
 (0 3 4 0)
 (0 0 0 0))


  • Original Array:Our starting array is a simple 2×2 array of values ((1, 2), (3, 4)).
  • Zero padding: By using np.padwe add a layer of zeros around the original array. The pad_width=1 argument specifies that one row/column padding is added to each side. mode="constant" argument specifies that the padding should be a constant value, which we set to zero with constant_values=0.

Types of filling

There are different types of padding, zero padding, which was used in the example above, is one of them; other examples are constant padding, edge padding, reflect padding, and symmetric padding. Let’s discuss these types of padding in detail and see how to use them.

Zero padding

Zero padding is the simplest and most commonly used method to add extra values ​​to the edges of an array. This technique involves filling the array with zeros, which can be very useful in various applications, such as image processing.

Zero padding involves adding rows and columns of zeros to the edges of your array. This helps maintain the size of the data while performing operations that would otherwise reduce the size of the data.


import numpy as np

array = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
padded_array = np.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode="constant", constant_values=0)


((0 0 0 0)
 (0 1 2 0)
 (0 3 4 0)
 (0 0 0 0))

Constant filling

Constant padding allows you to pad the array with a constant value of your choice, not just zeros. This value can be anything you choose, such as 0, 1, or any other number. It is especially useful if you want to maintain certain constraints or if zero padding is not appropriate for your analysis.


array = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
padded_array = np.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode="constant", constant_values=5)


((5 5 5 5)
 (5 1 2 5)
 (5 3 4 5)
 (5 5 5 5))

Border filling

Edge padding fills the array with values ​​from the edge. Instead of adding zeros or a constant value, you use the nearest edge value to fill in the gaps. This approach helps preserve the original data patterns and can be very useful if you want to avoid introducing new or random values ​​into your data.


array = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
padded_array = np.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode="edge")


((1 1 2 2)
 (1 1 2 2)
 (3 3 4 4)
 (3 3 4 4))

Reflective padding

Reflect padding is a technique where you pad the array by mirroring the values ​​of the edges of the original array. This means that the boundary values ​​are reflected across the edges, which helps preserve patterns and continuity in your data without introducing new or random values.


array = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
padded_array = np.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode="reflect")


((4 3 4 3)
 (2 1 2 1)
 (4 3 4 3)
 (2 1 2 1))

Symmetrical filling

Symmetric padding is an array manipulation technique that helps maintain a balanced and natural expansion of the original data. It is similar to reflect padding, but it includes the edge values ​​themselves in the reflection. This method is useful for maintaining symmetry in the padded array.


array = np.array(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
padded_array = np.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode="symmetric")


((1 1 2 2)
 (1 1 2 2)
 (3 3 4 4)
 (3 3 4 4))

General best practices for applying padding to arrays with NumPy

  1. Choose the right type of filling
  2. Ensure that padding values ​​are consistent with the nature of the data. For example, zero padding should be used for binary data, but avoid it for image processing tasks where edge or reflect padding may be more appropriate.
  3. Consider how padding affects the data analysis or processing task. Padding can introduce artifacts, especially in image or signal processing, so choose a padding type that minimizes this effect.
  4. When filling multidimensional arrays, make sure that the padding dimensions are specified correctly. Misaligned dimensions can lead to errors or unexpected results.
  5. Clearly document why and how padding is applied in your code. This helps maintain clarity and ensures that other users (or future you) understand the purpose and method of padding.


In this article, you learned the concept of padding arrays, a fundamental technique widely used in various fields such as image processing and time series analysis. We explored how padding helps to increase the size of arrays, making them suitable for various computational tasks.

We introduced the numpy.pad function, which simplifies adding padding to arrays in NumPy. With clear and concise examples, we have shown how to numpy.pad to add padding to arrays, showing different types of padding such as zero padding, constant padding, edge padding, reflection padding, and symmetric padding.

By following these best practices, you can apply padding to arrays with NumPy, ensuring that your data manipulation is accurate, efficient, and suited to your specific application.

Shittu Olumide is a software engineer and technical writer passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create compelling stories, with a keen eye for detail and a talent for simplifying complex concepts. You can also find Shittu on Twitter.