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Mexico slams US ambassador’s comments on proposed justice reform | Politics News

Mexico slams US ambassador’s comments on proposed justice reform | Politics News

Mexico slams US ambassador’s comments on proposed justice reform | Politics News

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, better known as AMLO, criticized the United States for recent comments portraying proposed judicial reform as a risk to Mexican democracy.

On Friday morning, Lopez Obrador called such criticism disrespectful to Mexico’s national sovereignty.

I hope this doesn’t happen again, he said.

The Mexican government also announced that it would send a diplomatic note stating that the U.S. comments constitute unacceptable interference and a violation of Mexican sovereignty.

The administration’s response came a day after U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar warned that the proposed judicial changes, including the selection of judges, could threaten the historic trade ties between the two countries.

Democracies cannot function without a strong, independent and uncorrupt judiciary, Salazar told reporters.

He added that the proposed reform would allow cartels and other bad actors to take advantage of inexperienced judges with political motives and could create both economic and political unrest in the years to come.

Salazar said Friday that his comments, which were poorly received in a country where the United States has a long history of meddling in domestic affairs, were made in the spirit of cooperation.

“I am fully prepared to engage in dialogue with Mexican leaders on the direct election of judges and to exchange views on different models,” the US ambassador said in a social media post explaining his position.

Lopez Obrador, a populist president often criticized for his attacks on independent regulators, has long been at odds with Mexico’s judiciary.

He claims that judges are part of a mafia that opposes him. He has presented his judicial reform as a way to end corruption in the courts.

Under his plan, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches could appoint virtually anyone with a law degree as a judge.

These candidates would then be reviewed by special committees set up by each branch to ensure that they had the necessary qualifications to hold office. Finally, the candidates would be put to a popular vote.

The judicial reform still needs to be approved: the country’s newly elected Congress takes office on September 1.

But Lopez Obrador has made the proposal a key goal of his six-year presidential term. He is expected to step down on Sept. 30 and his successor, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, will be sworn in the next day.

Sheinbaum defended the proposal and the coalition led by Lopez Obradors Morena party has a supermajority in the lower house of Congress.

To pass the legal plan, a constitutional amendment is needed, requiring a two-thirds majority in both houses of the House of Representatives.

However, critics fear the changes are an attempt by Lopez Obrador to undermine the independence of the judiciary.

This week, federal court workers, judges and academics went on strike to protest judicial reforms that they say will fill the courts with politically biased judges.

They also warned that judicial reforms could give the Morena party control of all three branches of government and threaten the system of checks and balances.

Julio Rios Figueroa, a law professor at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) in Mexico City, told Al Jazeera journalist Joseph Stepansky earlier this week that the reforms could even destabilize the justice system.

The concerns I have raised about the direct election of judges are part of a spirit of cooperation. As partners, we seek a fair and open dialogue to continue the great democratic and economic progress we have made (I open thread 1/3).

Ambassador Ken Salazar (@USAmbMex) August 23, 2024

According to Rios Figueroa, this measure will create administrative chaos and uncertainty in many areas. It will also put an end to the independence and autonomy of the judiciary in Mexico.

U.S. Ambassador Salazar expressed similar concerns on Thursday, but acknowledged the need to address corruption within the Mexican government.

The direct election of judges poses a risk to the functioning of Mexican democracy and to the integration of the US, Mexican and Canadian economies, he said on Thursday.

Canadian Ambassador to Mexico Graeme Clark also criticized the justice reform during a meeting on Thursday.

“My investors are concerned. They want stability. They want a legal system that works if something goes wrong,” he said.

However, Clark said the Canadian and Mexican governments have excellent relations and he was merely relaying investors’ concerns.




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