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Best practices in React: a detailed comparison

Best practices in React: a detailed comparison

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, offers developers the flexibility to create complex applications efficiently. However, with great flexibility comes the responsibility to adhere to best practices to ensure maintainability, performance, and scalability of applications.

Below is a detailed comparison of some of the key best practices for React development.

1. Functional components versus class components

Functional components

  • Simpler and more readable: Functional components are easier to read and write. They are essentially JavaScript functions that return JSX.
  • Hooks:With the introduction of hooks in React 16.8, functional components can now manage state and side effects, making them more powerful and popular.
  • Performance: Functional components are generally more performant because they avoid the overhead associated with class components, such as the this keyword and binding methods.

Class Components

  • Legacy Support: Class components are necessary when working with older codebases or third-party libraries that have not yet fully transitioned to hooks.
  • Life cycle methods: Class components traditionally had more lifecycle methods (e.g. componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate), but these can now usually be achieved with hooks.

Recommendation: Prefer functional components for new developments because of their simplicity, readability, and hook support.

2. State Management: Context API vs. Redux

Context API

  • Global state management: Suitable for managing the global status of small to medium-sized applications.
  • Simpler API: Easier to implement compared to Redux, with less boilerplate code.
  • Performance considerations: Can lead to unnecessary re-render if not used carefully, especially when the context value changes frequently.


  • Scalability: Ideal for large applications requiring complex status management.
  • Middleware support: Provides middleware such as redux-thunk or redux-saga for processing asynchronous logic, making it more powerful for complex scenarios.
  • DevTools Integration: Provides robust debugging tools such as Redux DevTools, which make it easier to trace and debug state changes.

Recommendation: Use the Context API for simpler state management needs and Redux for more complex, large-scale applications.

3. Component Reusability: Higher Order Components (HOCs) vs. Render Props vs. Hooks

Higher-order components (HOCs)

  • Component composition:HOCs are functions that take a component and return a new component, allowing logic to be reused across multiple components.
  • Complexity:HOCs can lead to ‘wrapper hell’, where components are deeply nested, making the code harder to understand.

Rendering props

  • Flexibility: Render props allow components to share logic by passing a function as a prop to determine what to render.
  • Above the head: May lead to nested render props, which can make the code difficult to follow.


  • Modern approach:Hooks allow stateful logic to be reused in functional components without the need for HOCs or render props.
  • Simplicity:Hooks make code more readable and maintainable compared to HOCs and renderprops.

Recommendation: Use hooks to reuse logic in modern React applications. HOCs and render props are still useful, but are generally considered more complex.

4. CSS-in-JS vs. Traditional CSS


  • Targeted styling: CSS-in-JS libraries such as styled-components or emotion allow components to be styled directly in JavaScript, so that styles only apply to components.
  • Dynamic styling: This allows styles to be dynamically adjusted based on props or status.
  • Performance: May lead to performance overhead due to runtime style generation.

Traditional CSS

  • SimplicityTraditional CSS is simple and easy to understand, making it easier for developers new to React or web development.
  • Global Styles: May lead to style conflicts or specific issues due to global scope unless properly managed (for example using CSS modules).

Recommendation: Use CSS-in-JS for complex, component-driven styling needs. Stick to traditional CSS for simpler projects or when integrating with legacy codebases.

5. Prop-Types vs. TypeScript

Prop types

  • Runtime type checking:PropTypes are a lightweight way to enforce type checking in React components.
  • Simplicity: Easy to implement and does not require a new language setting.
  • Limits: Checks types only at runtime, meaning problems are not noticed until the application is executed.


  • Static type checking:TypeScript adds a static type system to JavaScript, allowing errors to be detected during development before the code is executed.
  • Improved tools: Provides better IntelliSense, auto-completion, and refactoring tools in editors like VS Code.
  • Learning curve: Requires knowledge of TypeScript syntax and understanding of type annotations.

Recommendation: Use TypeScript for new projects, especially large-scale applications. PropTypes are suitable for smaller projects or when adding type safety incrementally.

6. Dealing with side effects: useEffect in return for useLayoutEffect


  • General purpose: Handles side effects such as data retrieval, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM after rendering.
  • Asynchronous: Executes asynchronously after each render, keeping the UI responsive.
  • Dependency array: Allows fine-grained control over when the effect should be executed, based on changes in dependencies.


  • Synchronous execution: Fires synchronously after all DOM mutations, so that the DOM is updated before the user sees it.
  • Performance considerations: May block the rendering process if not used carefully, leading to glitches in the user interface.

Recommendation: Give preference to useEffect for most side effects. Use useLayoutEffect only if you want to measure or modify the DOM immediately after rendering.

7. Dealing with conditional rendering: ternary operators vs. && Operators vs. Early Returns

Ternary operators

  • Inline conditional rendering:Useful for conditionally rendering small chunks of JSX within the render method.
  • Readability: May become difficult to read if overused or when nesting multiple ternary characters.

&& Operators

  • Short circuit: Renders a component only if a condition is met, resulting in concise code.
  • Readability issues: Such as ternary, excessive use && Operators can reduce the readability of code.

Early refunds

  • Brightness:By returning early in a component, you can avoid deep nesting and keep your code clean and understandable.
  • Flexibility: Early refunds can be combined with ternary or && operators for more complex conditions.

Recommendation: Use early returns for clarity, especially with complex components. Ternary and && Operators are fine for simple conditions, but should be used sparingly to maintain readability.

8. Code splitting and lazy loading

Split code

  • Performance optimization: Divides the application into smaller bundles, reducing the initial loading time.
  • Dynamic Imports: Usage React.lazy And Suspense for loading components on demand, improving perceived performance.

Lazy loading

  • Charging on demand: Components are loaded only when they are needed, reducing the initial bundle size.
  • UX considerations: Make sure to have backup content available to avoid a bad user experience during loading.

Recommendation: Implement code splitting and lazy loading in all React applications to improve performance, especially for large applications.


By following best practices in React development, you can ensure that your applications are maintainable, scalable, and performant. While the choice between different approaches often depends on the specific use case, understanding the trade-offs and benefits of each practice will help you make informed decisions. By following these best practices, you can build robust and future-proof React applications.