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Suárez, Darwin, Coelho, Blanco and various types

Suárez, Darwin, Coelho, Blanco and various types

FootballUy. Seguinos on Twitter @futbolportaluy

Several ex-partners of Juan Manuel Izquierdo use social media to share a message. Since our first years in La Liga in Cerro, such as Gonzalo Porras and Agustín Sant’Anna, we have also been able to capture the historic title of Liverpool in the last few years, such as Thiago Vecino, Marcelo Meli, Miguel Samudio and Luciano Rodríguez, among others.

Leonardo Coelho, with his father’s homeland camp, has dedicated his defenders of the 27th century, such as Luis Suárez, Felipe Carballo and Sergio Rochet, references of the factory that led Pablo Repetto.

Others who draw comparisons with Izquierdo and Peñarol, such as Walter Gargano, Fabián Estoyanoff, Gastón Rodríguez, Agustín Canobbio, Ezequiel Busquets and Ignacio Lores, are a manifesto for the inclusion.

“Descansá in paz, my lovely black man. When you do this, you are with my family: it is always good to record. Que Dios cuide a tu familia”, described Federico Pereira, captain of the Liverpool camp of his part Izquierdo.

Sergio Blanco, referent of the Wanderers factory integrated in 2021, has dedicated a feeling and an extensive message. “I do not conform to the fact that I am a bigger player, because it is a question and an additional challenge. You are doing well and well with the appreciation of the defender at my club. For the people who give me a mandate, how I would do it and how I could deal with our friends, the mismas who are not in the car who has written a thesis, the mismas of all the things that have to do”, said Chapa.

Diego Hernández, another former companion of the bohemian, recorded the last message he said before the game in front of San Pablo: “When I play for the game: ‘Baraja, look at the game of my life, mirame’. And as it is. I will give life to the party in such a way that there are so many questions that I will hear”.

FootballUy. Seguinos on Twitter @futbolportaluy