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the recourse of the reina in the ciudad del amor

the recourse of the reina in the ciudad del amor

Philip VI and Letizia putaron the pasado jueves por la noche (felices and muy bronceados) tras cenar in a conocida marisquería de Madrid. Now, after your ‘cita’ has returned to the capital of your private holidays in Greece, the monarchy and the partner will complete their agendas of institutional institutions. By the separation of the Spanish selection in the Olympic Games of Paris, Letizia goes back to the French capital to be able to reward the athletes in the Olympic Games, which will be the proximus of the miércoles 28.

Doña Letizia assisted in Paris on August 30 on September 2 of Felipe VI. My guide in the nursery of Elena receives a confirmation from Casa Real.

One of the last days of Letizia’s life in the ciudad del amor, the prince Leonor, went to the Escuela Naval de Marín, in Pontevedra. When he was succeeded by the influx in the Academia General Militar of Zaragoza, he has just a year ago that Leonor was a companion in his first years for Reyes. It is not that these things happen over time, the monarch has institutional acts in Barcelona.

The Reina Letizia’s route to Paris can be changed by other compromises, you will celebrate the offer on August 31 Victoria López de Quesada and Borbón-Dos Siciliasahijada de Felipe VI. The ceremony takes place in a real real conclave, and between the invitations the help of the child fantasy Cristina and Elena (under her head) and the propion of Felipe VI is given.
