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The First ‘Minecraft’ Movie Trailer Is Here, and It’s Terrifying

The First ‘Minecraft’ Movie Trailer Is Here, and It’s Terrifying

Warner Bros. has released the first trailer for the Minecraft movie starring Jack Black and Jason Momoa. And the minute-long spot for the big screen adaptation of one of the most popular games ever made is… utterly terrifying in just about every way imaginable.

Check it out for yourself below to see what I mean:

The first and most noticeable is Jason Momoa’s haircut, which…speaks for itself. But the second most noticeable is the extreme green screen CGI, what I mean is, if you’re going to throw live action people into a Minecraft world, you obviously need that, but the question is Why did you put live-action people in a Minecraft world?

I fully assumed when they made a Minecraft movie that it would be in a similar medium to the game. Instead, everything is just weird-looking non-game CGI cubes and it’s not just actors voicing Minecraft-shaped characters, it’s just… people. Jack Black appears as if he just filmed one of his TikTok videos without a shave or a haircut, just being… Jack Black. But he’s Steve. You know, Steve. At least Jason Momoa agreed to look like an idiot in that wig.

I fully understand that I’m not the target audience for this, and this doesn’t have to be a good movie to make a billion dollars at the box office, which I fully expect it to. But I do think there are ways to do popular children’s games well with live-action, Five Nights at Freddy’s for example, or ways to do specific styles well, like the LEGO movies being made in… LEGO. They should have made a Minecraft movie in Minecraft, or at least something that looks a lot more like Minecraft than this.

The aesthetics here are just terrible. The quasi-customization of animals and enemies, the live-action actors on the flat backgrounds. Just terrible stuff. I can only hope that when this movie comes out in April 2025, it looks more polished, because this trailer makes the Borderlands movie look good. But then again, it’s going to make a crazy amount of money anyway, so it doesn’t really matter I guess.

It’s just a shame because there have been so many great video game movies made with a focus on young people, from Sonic to Mario. But if this one is as bad as it seems, that trend will probably end soon.

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