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Com TW NOw News 2024

There were over 6 major fights during yesterday’s Raiders vs. Chargers game as Raiders fans continue to act like animals

There were over 6 major fights during yesterday’s Raiders vs. Chargers game as Raiders fans continue to act like animals

Imagine paying $200 a seat to go to the Chargers Raiders game today, $50 to park, $19 a beer, and then you do the exact same thing?

It’s really awesome.

I will never understand what could possibly drive a grown person to behave like this at a sporting event. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Raiders fans are just fucking animals. Like this guy who dangled his kid over the nosebleed railing.

After the match there was another match outside the stadium.

As someone who experienced what happened to that poor man who was knocked unconscious and left to cry, I can attest to how incredibly shitty it is that something like this happened.

(Sidebar – the guy who did that to me a year and a half ago is still walking the streets. I’ve been asking for updates from District Attorney Zachary Cuhn for months and the last thing I heard was “it’s in the preliminary stages.” Mind boggling.)

That guy in the Raiders jersey picking that girl up and body slamming her is one of the classiest moves I’ve ever seen. Whoever raised and employed that guy must be so proud.

Crazy behavior between the good old Raiders and LA fans. California is just different.