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Com TW NOw News 2024


Confirmation of the confirmation for Argentina

Nestor Lorenzo Realizing three changes to their title regarding the equipment located in Peru for the duel of this march before Argentinaby the eighth date of the Eliminatoria Sudamericanas al Mundial de Estados Unidos, Mexico en Canada 2026.

Yerson Mosquera has played a central role in Jhon Janer Lucumíreemplazando in this area a Carlos Cuesta; James Rodríguez, captain of Colombia, claims first namethe place of Luis Sinisterra.

The main sorpresa is in attack, thunder John Jader Duran será el referente, in lugar de Jhon Córdoba. This is the first time that you are titular with the selection of an official power and the second step with the camiseta of the national combination of mayors.

There is a good chance that Colombia’s selection will definitely take place in March 2023, after Nestor Lorenzo won the 1-2 in Japan. If a compromise is reached, one person must operate the equipment.

Name confirmed

Camilo Vargas; Daniel Muñoz, Yerson Mosquera, Jhon Janer Lucumí, Johan Mojica; Jhon Arias, Jefferson Lerma, Richard Ríos, James Rodríguez, Luis Díaz and Jhon Jader Durán.