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PUCN Rejects NV Energy’s  Base Rate, Approves  Increase Instead

PUCN Rejects NV Energy’s $45 Base Rate, Approves $2 Increase Instead

Nevada Energy customers will soon have to pay a higher base rate, although it is much lower than what the utility originally proposed. Typically, energy rate hikes are not celebrated, but the rate increase approved Tuesday by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) was a victory for many customers in attendance and environmentalists.

“The decision that was made today by the PUC was a victory for the people. They really listened to the outcry of hundreds of people who attended and spoke out and wrote to the commission to object to the change that NV Energy requested,” said customer and Nevada Clinicians For Climate Action member Sandra Koch.

The new rate will increase the current rate by about $2, about 10 times less than the utility’s original proposal of a nearly $30 monthly increase on the base rate. Commissioner Randy Brown said during Tuesday’s meeting that NV Energy failed to prove to the commission that it needed all of the money that the proposed $45 base rate would create.

“Sierra Pacific has proposed to increase the base service charge for single-family homes from $16.50 to $45.30. I think that is far too high,” said Commissioner Brown.

In recent months, since the proposal was first floated by NV Energy, customers and community members have been vocal in their opposition, particularly over the financial burden it would place on low-income and fixed-income customers, as well as the environmental impact.

“Customers with solar panels on their roofs would have to pay NV Energy nearly $50 on top of what they pay for their solar panels, even if they generate 100 percent of their own energy,” said Olivia Tanager, executive director of the Sierra Club’s Toiyabe chapter.

In a statement, NV Energy wrote in part: “NV Energy’s teams are already analyzing the various components of the order and what it means for Northern Nevada customers’ bills and rates. We appreciate the PUCN’s work on this matter.”