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Com TW NOw News 2024

Breve tregua entre borrascas | Extremadura Canal

Breve tregua entre borrascas | Extremadura Canal

Dejamos atrás la borrasca Kirk en lo hacemos con un it is much calmer in the period when the nubes and brightness intervals dominate, on the basis of a new borrasca on the peninsula of the peninsula that there is no more precipitation during the end of the day.

Imagen del Meteosa at 5:30 PM

Because it is so, the company is presented with nubosidad, algunas nubes bajas and bancos that cannot appear in the sierra zones and in most western countriesthis is immediately the case. Lately, without anything happening, and also includes that the death of more nubes, nubes altas and media, is now being advanced through the western west, a unique chance of precipitation.

Temperatures may be lower. Don’t forget the descenso será en the minimums you can expect in the north of 9 and 10 degrees are more bajas in the fondos of the valle del Sistema Central. In the rest of the region the value is estimated at 11 and 12 degrees, while the mañana in general is becoming more common.

Minimum temperature

With respect to the maximum temperatures, the movements between 20-21 and 24-25 have gradually increased in Las Vegas of Guadiana. Value associated with the 20-year zone in the Sierra del Sistema Central and in the Villuercas Ibores.

Maximum temperature