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What is the struggle in Chicago with the story of ‘La Niña’

What is the struggle in Chicago with the story of ‘La Niña’

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Chicago’s climate and residents are prepared to see a larger number of people and pray for the “La Niña” issue.

The phenomenal climate “La Niña” is one of the most common oceanic waters on the Costa de Perú that is causing another climate activism in the whole world through the correspondence journey in the whole world. In general, “La Niña” is characterized by higher temperatures and more precipitation in the north of the EE. UU., it may be that the cities of the ten are more decades and seconds pronósticos.

“La Niña” has a 60% probability of fines in the new year and could be the predictions of the National Meteorological Service (NWS, for our English) during the marzo period.

This is the forecast that “La Niña” is more normal, and that the meteorological forecasts face complicating complications, is NWS meteorologist Zachary Yack.

“If there is a bigger problem, there is a possibility that the sea is looking at this perspective; depending on what you can do,” says Yack.

If “La Niña” signals increasingly cold temperatures as it moves into the Chicago area, the patron will cause more than one of several effects on temperatures. The temperature will probably be lower than the others. normal,” Dijo Yack.

El Almanaque del Viejo Granjero (“Almanac of the Old Farmer”), a reference to agricultural and horticulturalists predict that the invierno could put an end to temperature and precipitation in all Unidos states, but could cause a “La Niña” are called with the Oscilación Austral El Niño (ENSO, by its siglas in English), the history of Chicago may be different, as the editor of the almanac, Sarah Perrault.

“The polarity fork has disappeared. Anyway, Chicago is a different kind of resto in the country,” Perrault explains. “The resto of the country is more than average, but Chicago is more fresh”.

If the periods are more common in the Chicago area, the principles and fines of the new year, the principles of the second year, and the last fines of February are the first principles of the month.

The period of February, much of the Medio Oeste, including Chicago, has a high probability of higher and lower experimental temperatures during the month, but the forecasts are increasingly recent in the field of the meteorological service.

The wrong forecasts indicate that the probability of precipitation leans towards the announcement of the announcement in the Chicago area, but the almanacs’ forecasts are mainly in Nevada and general precipitation during the entire period.

The weakening of “La Niña” could cause significant distress during Yack’s time, but it’s impossible to be sure.

During the period he lived in Chicago, Yack said its residents had their basic principles of life: continue the ruling and prepare for the torments during the Esperan period.

It’s likely that Chicagoans are preparing throughout the pace.

“Todos is estar siempre abrigados pase lo que pase”, puntualizó. “Como solemos decir: ‘no esperes a que haya un tormenta de nieve para comprar tu trineo’”.

Traducido por Gisela Orozco for La Voz Chicago