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Anthony Edwards claims he will move to the NFL if he wins the NBA title soon

Extreme confidence in yourself is a requirement for making a living as a professional athlete, and there is perhaps no professional athlete in all sports who embodies that as visibly as Anthony Edwards. The Minnesota Timberwolves superstar exudes a level of confidence that stands out even among his counterparts. It’s part of the reason why Edwards has become so popular in recent years — and also why his quotes regularly go viral, as was the case on Sunday.

ESPN has released a clip of a sit-down Edwards did with fellow Minnesota superstar Justin Jefferson, with the two working together to recreate the legendary Kevin Garnett-Randy Moss magazine cover from a few decades ago. In the clip, Edwards goes back and forth with Jefferson about whether NBA players are better athletes than NFL players before making a bold claim about his future plans.

Edwards told Jefferson that if he wins an NBA championship in the next few years, he plans to change sports and play football.

“Football players can’t go and play basketball,” the All-Star shooting guard said. “No way. I told my friends, ‘If I win a ring in the next three to four years, I’m going to play football.'”

“No, it’s not,” Jefferson is heard saying as soon as the clip ends.

It’s impossible to imagine Edwards actually doing that because it’s never been done. At lower levels, there is plenty of crossover between football and basketball players. A few NFL legends like Tony Gonzalez and Antonio Gates famously played college basketball before becoming incredible football players. But no athlete has ever gone pro at basketball and then dropped it to play football.

Interestingly enough, however, it also happened the other way around. And recently too. Devin Funchess, who played as a receiver for Michigan before the Carolina Panthers drafted him in the second round of the 2015 draft, dropped everything to become a professional basketball player in 2022. He made his overseas debut in 2023 and is currently under contract to play in the Basketball League of Columbia for the Caribbean Storm.

Anyway. A bold claim from Edwards. But first he has to win a championship.