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Cruz Azul is a resident cougar and is more what nunca is

Cruz Azul is a resident cougar and is more what nunca is

La Máquina is the triplets in CU with the Sepúlveda and Rivero to participate in the racha of the Pumas.

Cruz Azul le pego a Cougars 0-2 at home. Martín Anselmi’s Máquina has created a problem before one of the congratulations he uses is part of his life and ends up on the top tab of the general table, while he is in the shadows.

The celestes start first and get faster. Only after 30 seconds do you start part of the program ‘Cuate’ Sepúlveda see a center in the area. Mexican cuisine provided the first definition to make Gil Alcal appropriate.

Cruz Azul I think it’s better and you mentally approve of it. Cougars If credit is not given, it will be done quickly to the party and decentralization of most people, allowing the rival to become one of the serious candidates with the title.

No pasó much cuando cuando Cruz Azul here’s a new golfer. Fue en un tiro de esquina cuando Ignacio Rivero see José Luis Caicedo and go to the marca to play the second time after 12 minutes. The ventaja parecía brutal and much pesada sobre unos Cougars that is not the case.

Lema makes changes to the first part. There is no media that can make the initial changes. Sacó a Caicedo por Ruvalcaba with the intention of making more use of your equipment, while the line of 5 has no function.

Part of this moment, Cougars if you pose the ball you can no longer touch Kevin Mier’s meta. Moreover, the colombian porter has an important intervention that offers the opportunity on his house.

In addition to this, Lema has made a change. Since the ultimate intentions are that your equipment will enjoy the sky much more, it cannot be that the lighting increases to determine the good way of life.

Cruz Azul I can say the opposite and there isn’t much more to say about the ball I lost Cougars. Pablo Bennevendo was the hero of the saw as he dealt with the brightest contrasts of the celestial beings.

If you participate in your ultimate lifestyle, the machine can control the ball to consume the bill, but it does not CougarsIf the bus has reached the last moment in the margin, there is not enough fuel.

Finally, Cruz Azul see an impuso Cougars 0-2 with a lot of rest and a historic record League MXbefore I started at Santos for the first time. And tanto, Cougars Visit Chivas to learn how to deal with the classification directly in the Liguilla.