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Comune Italiano vende case a un euro a chi vuole scappare dagli USA per la vittoria di Trump

Comune Italiano vende case a un euro a chi vuole scappare dagli USA per la vittoria di Trump

With the Trump legacy, an American populist movement will do other things. If you are looking for a move, arrive Ollolai’s proposal.

Ollolai (Nuoro)

Ollolai (Nuoro)

Donald Trump en stato rieletto President of the Stati Uniti d’Americabut the result of the communication is not so great an unhealthy popolazione meal of the result. The presence of the tycoon can cause many people to protest on a social level: the maggioranza is a fact, the tone is for the diritti. If you add this idea, the idea will be considered transferirsi altrove. If you are looking for a movement, arrive the proposal of an Italian municipality.

Case a 1 dollaro in Sardinia per gli americani

Ollolai A municipality in the province of Nuoro has taken the dissatisfaction with the American serpeggia to risk ownership. L’amministrazione, infatti, ha pensato a a start for the ripopolar of our timefor new individuals undergoing transfer, it is certain to solve the problem spopolamento. Eventually the population of Ollolai will go between 2,250 and 1,300 abitanti and only become a baby man for a year. Many families have been lucky in their fortuna, the laundry and the migliori. You have 1,150 inhabitants.

Il Comune della Sardegna has a mess in vendita alcune case a prezzo davvero irrisorio, simbolico: one eurowhat a dollar is worth. It is a tipology: the case is temporarily free for a digital nomad, the case is 1 euro that the ristrutturazione needs and the case can bring an amount of 100,000 euros (105,000 $).

Ikea has bought a mini house for a lot of time

To boost sales and realize a site on the Internet, you acquired caricatured photos and planimetry of your immobility with your available resources. “Is it a global political issue? Is cutting back on a lifestyle a balance that offers new opportunities? The pace of the beginning of the cost of your European flight in the paradise of Sardinia” si legge. The offer is aimed in particular at potential American emigrants. Il sindaco Francesco Columbu has raccontato alla CNN che il site web en stato creato appositamente per attracting American American presidents. There are many people who know the state unit and they are convinced that the American person can reach part of his community in the far river: he will live much more his life in his last ripopolato.

Ci concentreremo soprattutto sugli americani – ha this – Of course, it is not possible for all other people’s people to be dominant to speed up a process. Stiamo scommettendo su di loro per aiutarci a far rivivere il villaggio, sono la nostra carta vincente“. If the procedure for holding a postage statute is not considered as a basic requirement, it may be a community preference.”Certainly, it is not possible to give a specific name to a president who is elected, but the personality of many American voglionarsi and lasciare il Paese – ha conclusion il Sindaco – Abbiamo has created a web application for the collection of post-electrical use by the Statistical Unit“. No demographic data is required for the state candidates: there may be people who use their pension, at a distance from imprenditori who want a piccola attitude in the village.

When the municipality started a practical procedure last year, in 2018 only the state was sold to a euro and a system. “The villaggio is a mezzo vuoto, probably already about 100 economic affairs, which do not occupy any potential in sales, probably to reduce. Le abbiamo mappate and messe in vendita tutte“ha ammesso il Sindaco. The main part of the building is in the center of history and has different dimensions. Thus, we have realized some contadini and pastori activities with local granito. arredate in mode più moderno and fond of comfort.