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All international people are ready to cook

All international people are ready to cook

The Real Sociedad viajará ends in Alicante with the first plantilla to win the first elimination of the Copa del Rey against the Jove Español appears on October 30 and recovers during this selection period. It is important that you get on the list of the 12 available first equipment resources that you can see being used in Zubieta; por lo que, if you think, The international participation in this case could have one of many unlawful consequences for the interests of the tax authorities. There are many things that happen in San Sebastián to get an Imanol status and a full statement of the conditions for your vasco del domingo and San Mamés.

An international que He was appointed to the current company in the era of Umar Sadiq, which disputed a small part of his compromises on his selection in Nigeria. Pero el ‘Látigo de Kaduna’ has seen a muscle abuse and has started latelybecause you can’t play against El Jove Español. If you are dealing with the expedition of the childish Ekain Orobengoa, you are now dealing with the potrilles of the Sanse that go through Jarán to Alicante with the first equipment to participate in the Copa in the Rico Pérez. As of late, the list of 21 children is divided into the first equipment and other new children. The international players are the Portero Fraga, common in the last convocatoria of the Sub-21, but in their case ten ficha of the Real Sociedad B. También has the cause of the sorprendente Arsen ZakharyanIf you are recovering lately, you will need to deal with the group with most injuries. I got a bad impression that my debut is against the Jupiter for a while.

Oskarsson, baja and San Mamés

Imanol may have decided to divide his equipment between his groups. For the cup match with the players who have started to return to the form of a return match in the ZubietaIt can happen that all the international players do not know what to do and how to recover their big vias and take the side with their selections, and they can concentrate on the fight against the Athletic Club in this jornada league. If this is a good observation, it is a special task to use Zubimendi and Zubeldia. When you’re on your camino, it’s worth stopping and doing what you can do. There may be a bad report of this happening the lesion of Orri Oskarsson, with a muscular problem in the only thing he has to remove for his jornada.

There are new childish elegidos

To complete the list of convocados for the debut album against the Jove Español in Alicante, Imanol has played a new children’s pot, entrepreneur by Sergio Francisco and that is a first part of the passage of time. It’s worth explaining the technology. “A great part of the conozco that has the hemos in pretemporada is a great quantity, it is a much better compitiendo, and it is that he adapts to the category and has a buenísimo año, I am not so sorprend as I have a lot have talent, son of many applications, my Real Sociedad, de los que i gustan, porque solo piensan en trabajar y mejorar. Getting on the list will do this and make it possible for most people to disappear and only undergo elimination. Y si ellos no me hubieran dado motivos para entrar in la lista, yo no les llamo”.

The list of new potrills of this Aitor Fraga, the great amount of energy in the future for the future Real-porter. While Ruperez and Balda use the habits of the first equipment on the side, and also in the center of Beitia. The defense is more focused on the child. También has a llama in Mikel Goti, the children’s captain who plays the song of Lezama, who can play with the first equipment and the marcado, and who is becoming more and more mayors. It is the children’s child. There is a centrocampista who exploded in the Sanse, Mikel Rodríguez.

It is always the case that Mariezkurrena and Orobengoa start working with the Real B with great activities and with the extreme Alex Marchal, one of the great promises of Zubiet who is common in the lower categories of the selection. Deberia is one of the most realistic equipment, but its level is the puertas del Sanse. Solo teenager 17 years old and you entered with the primera plantilla. This is the elegidos of Imanol, which Dani Díaz has not heard, but which can come together in a match against the Jupiter that will appear on October 30. Junto with Jon Martín, has his citado with the Sub-19 and cannot travel via Alicante. These are the players who can save the Real in a very delicate situation, with their future in the Copa up in the air.

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