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Cuántos hijos, Silvia Pinal and his son are famous padres

Cuántos hijos, Silvia Pinal and his son are famous padres

The program lasted 80 years in 2007 (Photo: Televisa)
The program lasted 80 years in 2007 (Photo: Televisa)

Silvia Pinal Hidalgo November 28 marks the 93rd anniversary of complications. Permanent international in a hospital in Mexican city for a long time.

La actress think about it as the ultimate grand diva of cinema mexicano by achieving mediocre artistic talent nationally and internationally.

During the years of the industry’s years, other countries’ invincible films in the national industry and offering more television programs are one of the most sustainable programs, Lots of real life cases.

The Mexican estrella does not have a solo protagonist in the great romance, but that is shown a lot through his historical love in the real life world.

Silvia Pinal and Arturo de Córdova in a film from Época de Oro (Photo: Facebook/Época de Oro del Cine Mexicano)
Silvia Pinal and Arturo de Córdova in a film from Época de Oro (Photo: Facebook/Época de Oro del Cine Mexicano)

The original artist of Guaymas, Sonora, you can experience his enormous romances with personal mediocre artistic nacionals.

Sylvia Pasquel

The first time of Silvia Pinal was born on October 13, 1949 in the Ciudad de México, after which she married an actor, film director and Cuban television, Rafael Banquells.

Los artistas contrajeron nupcias en 1947; When she was already 16 years old, I thought she was around 30. Sadly, her solo marriage lasted all these years, while Silvia Pinal no longer felt like pursuing her relationship.

The real Sylvia Banquells Pinal is a mediocre artistic nacional like Sylvia Pasquel at home with her mother, Moises Pasquel. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The real Sylvia Banquells Pinal is a mediocre artistic nacional like Sylvia Pasquel at home with her mother, Moises Pasquel. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“You’ve created a moment where this is a convenient moment. Yo queria salir del yugo. Do you like it? Casada. Yo salí de mi casa como princessa”, continue doing business for The minute I need is my destiny.

Viridiana Alatriste

After about a few years ago (1961), Silvia Pinal went home Gustavo Alatristea reconocido actor, producer, writer and director Mexicano. It’s one of the last things you can do Viridiana and honor a person and a story that catapults to international acting.

Viridiana Alatriste was born on 17 energies of 1963 in the Mexican city and died on October 25, 1982 in most cases of a car accident; I’ve been solo for 19 years and am introduced to mediocre artistry as an actress.

Sylvia Pasquel (izquierda), Silvia Pinal (en medio) and Viridiana Alatriste (derecha). (Photo: Instagram @SylviaPasquelOficial)
Sylvia Pasquel (izquierda), Silvia Pinal (en medio) and Viridiana Alatriste (derecha). (Photo: Instagram @SylviaPasquelOficial)

Alejandra Guzmán and Luis Enrique Guzmán

Guzmán Pinal’s husband is a son of Silvia Pinal’s political marriage and Enrique GuzmanA well-known actor and able to conquer the Mexican public in his youth as an estrella rock and roll and protagonists of películas como Acompáñame O Fiebre de juventud.

The artists of the house in 1967; At the age of 36 years ago, I turned around 24 years old. I first met one of the padres on February 9, 1968 a newbie with Alejandra, and about a year later I was rewarded for his second life in the community, Luis Enrique.

Alejandra Guzmán (izquierda), Luis Enrique Guzmán (and mid) and Sylvia Pasquel (derecha). (Photo: Facebook/Silvia Pinal)
Alejandra Guzmán (izquierda), Luis Enrique Guzmán (and mid) and Sylvia Pasquel (derecha). (Photo: Facebook/Silvia Pinal)

The artists’ marriage ended in 1976 amid rumors of an agreement against Enrique Guzmán.