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Com TW NOw News 2024

Your friendly neighborhood artist Lawrence Slater wants to redesign your business flyer – for free

Your friendly neighborhood artist Lawrence Slater wants to redesign your business flyer – for free

Lawrence started with a flyer for cleaning services, which was well-received by the cleaner herself, and has since designed flyers for a handyman, a dog walker, a man with a van, a maths teacher, a violin teacher, a fitness instructor and a bowls club. With each new design, he films the journey of finding the flyer, taking it home, reworking it and finally contacting the creator to ask if they can hang it up. He says the creative process often involves “simplifying it (the design) as much as possible.” He continues: “I’m good at that because of my work in advertising – making the message as clear and concise as possible. I try to draw something that’s nice to look at and sums up the business. Normally with a character, because people can identify with it.”

Not surprisingly, many of the original fly posters are shocked by the free redesign and grateful for Lawrence’s efforts. He explains that this is the best part of the project: revealing the new design to the owner: “I share the artwork with them because I like to start a conversation with someone I wouldn’t normally interact with,” he notes. “Every conversation and every reaction is different, which is exciting. Most people love it, want to use the image for their business, and are grateful for the help.”