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NorthWestern Energy invites public to share input on recreation along the Missouri and Madison rivers

NorthWestern Energy invites public to share input on recreation along the Missouri and Madison rivers

NorthWestern Energy invites the public to provide input on recreational amenities and opportunities along the Missouri River and Madison riverS.

NorthWestern Energy owns and operates two dams (Hebgen and Madison dams) on the Madison River and seven dams (Hauser, Holter, Black Eagle, Rainbow, Cochrane, Ryan and Morony dams) on the Missouri RiverImproving public recreation in these areas is a federal permitting requirement for operating the dams.

NorthWestern Energy is partnering with the public-private MissouriMadison River Since 2007, the Fund has provided $6.4 million in public recreation grants, of which $12.9 million has been spent on public recreation improvements. NorthWestern Energy has also contributed $1.8 million in matching funds.

NorthWestern Energy is hosting four meetings to gather public input on public recreation along the river corridors included in the MissouriMadison Comprehensive recreation plan, part of our federal licensing requirement.

“Our Montana hydroelectric plants are an incredible carbon-free source of generation for our Montana customers,” said Andy Welch, manager of Hydro License Compliance at NorthWestern Energy. “The Missouri River And Madison River The corridors where our hydro facilities are located are also an incredible recreational resource for Montanans and visitors. We work closely with government agency partners to provide the best possible opportunities for public recreation, but we hold these meetings to give the general public a chance to voice their suggestions on what will continue to make the recreational experience in this area positive.”

Meetings are held:

September 23, 6:00-8:00 PM Hebgen Ranger District Office Meeting Room, 330 Gallatin Road, West Yellowstone

September 24, 6-8pm. Madison Valley Public Library Conference Room, 210 Main St., Ennis

Oct 15, 6-8pm Montana WILD Education Center Auditorium, 2668 Broadwater Ave., Helena

Oct 17, 6-8pm Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center Theater, 4201 Giant Springs Road, Great Waterfalls.

A summary of the MissouriMadison Comprehensive recreation plan and projects, history of use, access and opportunities are presented. Overviews of improvements supported by the MissouriMadison River Fund will also be presented.

The public will have the opportunity to provide input on possible improvements to existing access facilities and opportunities, as well as new facilities and opportunities they would like to see in this important river corridors the future.

If you have any questions, please email Andy Welch, Manager of Hydro License Compliance at NorthWestern Energy, at [email protected].

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NorthWestern Energy – A Bright Future

NorthWestern Energy provides essential energy infrastructure and valuable services that enrich lives and strengthen communities, while serving as long-term partners to our customers and communities. We work to deliver safe, reliable and innovative energy solutions that create value for customers, communities, employees and investors. We do this by providing low-cost, reliable service operated by highly adaptable and skilled employees. We serve approximately 775,300 customers in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and Yellowstone National Park. Our Montana and Yellowstone National Park operations are conducted through our subsidiary, NW Corp, and our South Dakota and Nebraska operations are conducted through our subsidiary, NWE Public Service. We have provided service in South Dakota and Nebraska since 1923 and in Montana since 2002.