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Com TW NOw News 2024

Fall Equinox 2024: Follow These Self-Care Rituals to Honor the Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox 2024: Follow These Self-Care Rituals to Honor the Fall Equinox

Autumnal equinoxalso known as Autumnal equinox will take place on September 22, 2024. The word Equinox comes from Latin and means equal night. It refers to the approximately 12-hour day and 12-hour night that only occur on the two equinox days of the year. This is because the sun is directly over the equator, making it a time of balance, equality, and harmony.
It is a time of self-reflection, healing and cleansing to reap all that we have achieved and be grateful for the abundance of Mother Earth. Here we are going to mention some self-care activities that you can follow and prepare for the coming equinox.
Self-care activities during the equinox
1. Improve your physical balance
Practice gentle yoga or stretching exercises that symbolize the balance of the autumnal equinox. Embrace poses that ground you and visualize the balance you seek in your life as you move.
2. Transform with nature
Just as trees lose their leaves, let go of what no longer serves you. Take a moment to reflect on the things and people that are not available to you and do not give you peace of mind. Let go of your old habits and embrace your personal growth. As nature transforms, so do you.
3. Take a cleansing ritual bath
Honor the equinox as a time of transition with a cleansing ritual bath. Fill your tub with warm water, add some calming essential oils, and immerse yourself. Visualize the water washing away your negativity. You’ll feel refreshed and renewed.
4. Prepare a feast
Make a meal with the season’s bountiful harvest. Savor the flavors and nourish your body with seasonal delights. Consider sharing this feast with loved ones, fostering connections and showing gratitude for the abundance in your life.
5. Show gratitude
Take a moment to reflect on the blessings that grace your life. Write a heartfelt gratitude list, acknowledging the people, experiences, and gifts that fill your days with joy. Let this exercise ignite a warm spark of appreciation in your heart.
What can you do to lift your spirit?
1. Diary
Write down what you are grateful for and what your goals are for the season.
2. Nature walk
Take a grounding walk and enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves.
3. Eat seasonally
Nourish your body with fall foods like pumpkin and apples.
4. Use crystals
Amplify your energy with citrine for abundance and smoky quartz for grounding.
5. Meditate
Start your morning with a centering meditation to set your intentions for the day. Acknowledge the sun in the morning that aligns us with the cycle of nature. You can also do Chakra meditation to invite balance into your body, mind and spirit.