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Who won ‘Big Brother 26’? Who won AFP? Recap of the full season finale

Who won ‘Big Brother 26’? Who won AFP? Recap of the full season finale


Big Brother season 26 is officially over.

How did it all end after 90 days? Here’s a recap of the season finale, along with the winner and results of the America’s Favorite Player voting.

Who won ‘Big Brother 26’?

Chelsie Baham defeated Makesy Manbeck 7-0 in the last two.

Who became America’s favorite player on ‘Big Brother’?

Tucker Des Lauriers became America’s Favorite Player for Season 26, becoming the first pre-judge member to win the award.

What happened on the season finale of ‘Big Brother 26’?

The episode started with Chelsie Baham, Makensy Manbeck and Cam Sullivan-Brown in the final three. They then competed in part one of the Head of Household competition.

Makensy was eliminated for the first time after about 25 minutes. Cam dropped out just over 10 minutes later, leading to Chelsie taking the win in the first part.

Season 16 winner Derrick Levasseur returned for another cheesy segment, leading to part two of the HOH competition between Makensy and Cam.

Makensy emerged victorious and secured her spot in part three against Chelsie.

Makensy spoke to the diary room about not knowing who she would take to the final two if she won part three. Chelsie also had a similar conversation in the DR and said she was unsure between Makensy and Cam.

The judges’ roundtable, hosted by season 24 winner Taylor Hale, aired. Rubina Bernabe joined the jury and revealed how the week before went.

The evicted houseguests discussed their thoughts on Makensy and her case for winning, highlighting her ability to win so many matches. However, Quinn Martin expressed his confusion over Makensy evicting Leah Peters.

Everyone then talked about Chelsie’s play as a quarterback. Angela Murray said she could have had better jury management, but T’kor Clottey said Chelsie’s gameplay carried more weight for her than Makensy’s resume as a comp beast.

The judges talked about Cam and how he is great socially but has performed very poorly in competitions, which is a blemish on his resume.

Makensy and Chelsie competed in part three of the final Head of Household competition, which came down to the final question, as they both answered every question correctly until the last one, when Makensy got the answer right and Chelsie didn’t. Makensy ultimately won part three 6-5, securing the final HOH of the season.

Makensy voted to evict Cam and brought Chelsie down to the final two.

Cam left the house and spoke to Julie. He said it would be difficult for anyone to sit next to Chelsie considering how well she has played the game. Cam also talked about how much it bothered him to lose so many matches, revealing that he probably would have gone to the final two with Chelsie.

The judges then took to the stage and heard about Makensy’s decision to evict Cam before asking their questions to Makensy and Chelsie.

During interrogation, Chelsie denied lying and deceiving her guests, saying she knew when to keep her mouth shut and when to speak up. Makensy, on the other hand, said the move she made on her own that benefited her game the most was getting Leah out of the house.

Chelsie and Makensy then gave their final two speeches before the judges voted on who they wanted to win.

The preliminary judges returned. Tampa native Joseph Rodriguez revealed that he almost didn’t make it to the season finale because of how Hurricane Milton affected his family and the people he knows.

Tucker Des Lauriers apologized to Cedric Hodges for being wrong in the in-season feud that led to him not using the veto against himself and sticking around. He also gave flowers to Rubina.

Julie asked Makensy about the status of her relationship with Matt Hardeman. Makensy said she would see where it went.

Matt confronted Angela about their big fight during the season and said it was for the best. He gave Angela a hug and she said she wasn’t sorry about how she felt, but that she was happy to see him.

The guests watched the segment about Brooklyn Rivera and others eating Angela’s cold cuts. She then apologized to Angela for eating her meat and cheese and said she would have a charcuterie board made for her in Utah.

Tucker revealed to the houseguests that he was responsible for the fake AI messages in the house, and he apologized for accidentally upsetting Rubina with one of them by voicing their show.

Julie finally told the jury and Chelsie and Makensy that President Joe Biden withdrew from the election and Vice President Kamala Harris took his place as the Democratic candidate.

Julie counted the votes and revealed Chelsie as the winner. The first four votes went to Chelsie, giving her the win. Julie later revealed that all seven votes were for Chelsie.

The host also named America’s top three favorite players, including Tucker Des Lauriers, Quinn Martin and Angela Murray. Tucker ultimately won the prize.

The show then ended with everyone singing the Jankie World theme song.

Who won Part 1 of the latest Head of Household competition on ‘Big Brother’?

Chelsie Baham won part one of the last HOH competition.

Who won Part 2 of the latest Head of Household competition on ‘Big Brother’?

Makensy Manbeck won part 2 of the final HOH comp.

Who won Part 3 of the latest Head of Household competition on ‘Big Brother’?

Makensy Manbeck ultimately won part three 6-5 against Chelsie Baham, securing the final HOH of the season and a spot in the final two. She also got the chance to choose who would go with her to the final two, Chelsie or Cam Sullivan-Brown.

Who made it to the final two on ‘Big Brother 26’?

Makensy Manbeck voted to expel Cam Sullivan-Brown Chelsie Baham to the last two.