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EEUU is preparing for an influence from the La Niña phenomenon

EEUU is preparing for an influence from the La Niña phenomenon

The La Niña phenomenon has a 60% probability for the onset of the attack, which can change temperatures in Unidos modes. (AP)
The La Niña phenomenon has a 60% probability for the onset of the attack, which can change temperatures in Unidos modes. (AP)

Este invierno en Estados Unidos Promete ser several anterior, marcado por the phenomeno de El Nino. Make an analysis of it CNNanticipate the ejection of a phenomenon La Nina Before the start of time, temperatures and precipitation can change throughout the country.

This is the climate characterized by more oceanic temperatures abroad Pacífico EcuadorianThe ability to influence the climate means that the air in the north stays in the north. And this is the feeling, CNN indication that “the effects of climate become increasingly pronounced during the celebration period.” Your manifestation is not more solid, el Centro de Predicciones Climáticas there is a 60% chance that this will happen at a new stage. The focus with the climate Emily Beckerthe drawer University of Miami“the fuerza de La Niña importa: cuanto más fuerte sea, mayor será the impacto ‘consistent’ who can live on the climate”.

The recuerdo del invierno pasado, “el more cálido registrado in los 48 continental states”, is attributed to El Nino There are many factors causing the global impacts of combustible fossil fuel pollution. Without embargo, this is invierno, el Centro de Predicciones Climáticas If you impose more conditions on the norms and values ​​​​of the Unidos countries, then it is fundamental that you can fight the next steps in the fight mediocre. Analyze the analysis, CNN be sure that “a total respect for the patron of the invierno-pasado, a favorite of more people and an even greater part of the world”, is likely.

Please note that La Niña mainly affects the Northern and Northern United States with a greater number of people and the following conditions in the past. (AFP)
Please note that La Niña mainly affects the Northern and Northern United States with a greater number of people and the following conditions in the past. (AFP)

The dynamics of La Nina If the correspondent’s past behavior is affected, the pain in the north may be caused. CNN to declare what tends to have relevant relevant implications is that “the temperatures are cool enough to raise the temperature and raise the temperature.” There is an expectation from the Mayor in the North, especially in the North Pacific, a major new piece of furniture is vital to tourism and the water economy. Certainly, including California, you could experiment with a wider range of calibers and more, a typical example of La Niña. You recognize it CNN“It is crucial that the region lasts a period of intensive periods in practice.”

On the temperature front, if you protect more humid air over much of this country, it could imply more torments in the Nevada area in these areas. CNN enfatiza that “La Niña events are more likely to hit the North,” without an embargo, an ever-increasing event will offer other prospects. Entre tanto, partes del Medio Oeste Yes Montanas Rocosas You can increasingly record temperatures in the usual way over time.

Look at the pronunciation Centro de Predicción ClimáticaAs publicity approaches, some of the action may be changed based on a trend toward greater climatic protection. The ultimate temperature fluctuations in the center are not ideal for the love of the newbie in the north, which reflects the uncertainty on the intensity of the intensity La Nina.

The increase in temperatures over this time in the last 12 months is unprecedented in the modern era, NASA warned. This will be the main cause calentamiento mondial a large square that is generated human activities Yes Emissions of gases affecting invernadero.

The administrator of NASA, Bill NelsonWhile the El Niño period in April 2023 will influence the extreme heat. If there is an embargo, the possible legitimization of La Nina You can adjust temperatures in much of the world and use moderate ambient air breathing after setting the setting outside the door.

And this message, La Niña causes a temporary drop in temperatures around the worldThere are numerous factors that can influence volcanic eruptions and aerosol emissions in climatological forecasts. The temperature fluctuations in the oceans, the product of this meteorological event, are one factor increase in activity of Huracanes in the Atlantic Ocean.

Scientific research on climate predictions from the National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration (NOAApor sus siglas in dutch) projects a 49% probability of La Niña desarrolle entre junio en agostoand 69% of demand it manifests between July and September.