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it has not been more than a century

it has not been more than a century

More than 60 people have fallen on the Levante Peninsula. It is not clear that you have to watch the episode of some Fridays and that some people live in the center of the Valencian community, but other areas can watch extreme episodes in the near future.

Incertidumbre. Meteorological models are not clearly visible from the last episode of this episode that has affected part of the southernmost peninsula, which is particularly special in the province of Valencia. The center of attention is that it differs from the center of Catalonia (Meteocat has a maximum view of the peligrosidad para Barcelona) and the east of Andalusia.

Fin the warning. After the latest update of special advisories on negative impacts from the Meteorological Agency (AEMET) (which will be broadcast in the first hours of the time), part of the housing construction is that the precipitation may become more intense. If all goes well, the special experience of the advice will only be extended at the age of 31.

It seems that there is always meteorological advice from the agency. Travelers from the Ebro Valley and their Entorno, while in the north of the Mediterranean on the Costa del Sol, exist one that is important for the lives and torments in the coastal region of Barcelona, ​​​​and for the coast of the interior of Castellón, consider the accumulatives of 100 mm and 12 hours.

The agency has indicated that it is important in the provinces of Cádiz and Seville, with amarillos in the southern peninsula. The agency has no embargo or existence of riesgos or superiores during part of youth.

Muros contra huracanes don't work and DARPA offers the solution: a mural of ostras and coral

The DANA is displayed. It is predicted that the torments and heavy rainfall of a devastation in the central zone of the Mediterranean coast will lead to several points on the peninsula. The torments of the DANA are being eradicated in the north of the country, affecting an area around La Rioja and in Navarra, Castellón and part of Catalonia.

If the embargo of precipitation occurs in another area of ​​​​this country: the country of the Peninsula. Before Cádiz and Seville had more influence on the provinces, most DANA notaries visited their notary in Huelva, Málaga and in the Badajoz.

The prospects of AEMET for the territory of the Chubascos and the torments “fuertes y/o persistentes” in the northern zone of the Ibérica Peninsula, who could live on the Ibérica Mountains and on its land and in part of Valencia. Mañana jueves las precipitations se espera sean “localmente fuertes y/o persistentes” in the West of Andalusia, in the mar of Alborán, in the central system and in the entorno del bajo Ebro, señala la Agencia.

More than the jueves. You need to ask yourself before you get a predetermined indication of what will happen on the second half of the week. The DANA pair gets a draw without it being certain that it is the ultimate coletazos or that it is the largest size of it. The real-life examples of the model models can determine the hora of the ending of this tragic episode.

Hacer balance. This is probably the last moment where the consequences of this DANA are balanced, but the consequences of more than a hundred years ago. Miles of four people are on the road due to the situation and the general knowledge that is obliged to use a telephone number (900 365 112) to pay attention to famous people.

This episode of the last episode, the breath of floods and causing desbordados, which causes devastating invernaderos in El Ejido and causes a tornado that makes important days and alive.

A phenomenon that is a person. La DANA is an account of the events that imply the climate climate. Models see the trend in the frequency and intensification of the extreme cases.

In the case of the DANAs, the instabilization of society at these events produces the contrast between the polar air masses at altitude and the air masses at lower altitudes. The great contrast is the great impact of these events. If the result is difficult to make an impossible estimate of an event that is concretely the cause or potential of the climate climate, the increase in the frequency and intensity of this event is alarming.

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Image | ECMWF