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James Rodríguez is abundant in Rayo Vallecano because of the guilt of his jugadores: these are gone

James Rodríguez is abundant in Rayo Vallecano because of the guilt of his jugadores: these are gone

El colombiano solo has received a title in the Rayo Vallecano before Leganés - credit @jamesrodriguez10/Instagram
El colombiano solo has received a title in the Rayo Vallecano before Leganés – credit @jamesrodriguez10/Instagram

Rayo Vallecano now has a part of the four-year-olds on November 8, while in Las Palmas for the ten-year-old jornada of the Spanish League and with the aim of focusing on the classification of the European competences.

If James Rodríguez has a convocado, there is no titular title for his jugadores who have a banknote of extraswhile the entrepreneur Pérez has no idea that he is not in his kind of tactics, because he has found the exit.

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The hecho, the technology of Rayo Vallecano expresses in the prensa street in Colombia, it is clear that you have a good situation to be able to play, but it is clear that you do not have a bad relationship with a conflict with the mediocampista, such as especially the last day of the day the rumor could have a possible consequence.

While the Colombian company plays against the Rayo Vallecano, a factory is appointed that has an armada that has more of a time, with the fighters that work with the times and that with the technology of Pérez have full figures.

Por esa razon, James Rodríguez is on the bench of supplements due to Isi Palazón and Óscar Trejos, the middle camp that no longer sits alone in the cafeteria for ten years, is that the mayor participates in the anotaciones of the municipality of Madrid.

Óscar Trejo is the captain of Rayo Vallecano at the moment and has renounced the cintilla - credit Rodrigo Jiménez/EFE
Óscar Trejo is the captain of Rayo Vallecano at the moment and has renounced the cintilla – credit Rodrigo Jiménez/EFE

In the case of Trejos, which is in the wrong position of James, there are more parties, but more minutes with 221, the juegos in the title and marco go for Villamuriel for the Copa del Rey, exhale the cariño de la lover of several years in the club.

Sin embargo, it is really true that the puesto al colombiano es Palazón stopsthe indisputable title of Pérez with 11 games in the Spanish League, with the ventaja that you can move as central volante, to the limit by an attack or an attack, while Rodríguez is not in the conditions of the hacer.

Isi Palazón, a difference from James Rodríguez, can exhale from his central role in more positions - credit R. García/EFE
Isi Palazón, a difference from James Rodríguez, can exhale from his central role in more positions – credit R. García/EFE

Respect the number of James, for the moment it lasts 123 minutes, some parties, a titular condition, and if he does not receive assistance, he breathes that his last compromises will disappear due to a difficult situation, if he uses the technique .

The relationship between James and his de facto entrepreneur, Igo Pérez, has a special purpose. Según the periodical Edu Aguirre in the program El ChiringuitoThe timonel does not have a conversation with the Colombian to answer his expectations. You confirm that the español does not explain the content of the title, the orientation in this way can be better than this.

And answer to these affirmations, I stated before my participation in Las Palmas that there is no personal problem with James. You will feel bored thinking about the magicians and thinking that the short term can lead to general frustrations. Some people think that alguns footballers take into account the club in the air, but that their priority is that the jugadores have their content.

James Rodríguez has become better by the decision of Iigo Pérez, technology of Rayo Vallecano - credits Rayo Vallecano / EFE
James Rodríguez has become better by the decision of Iigo Pérez, technology of Rayo Vallecano – credits Rayo Vallecano / EFE

One of the entrepreneur’s statements, James’ situation in Rayo Vallecan is complicated. The role of key players in the equipment is often busy, especially in view of the history of other clubs has a great impact on the campsite. The situation of the plant is questioned about the future lender in the equipment and the new opportunities in the nearby transfer market.