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What are the hereditary properties of Silvia Pinal and what is the end of the will in the will?

What are the hereditary properties of Silvia Pinal and what is the end of the will in the will?

How about Silvia Pinal's menscia? This is what you say. PHOTO: EDGAR NEGRETE/CUARTOSCURO.COM
How about Silvia Pinal’s menscia? This is what you say. PHOTO: EDGAR NEGRETE/CUARTOSCURO.COM

La muerte de Silvia Pinaliconic figures of Cine de Oro MexicanoOn November 28, there is no solo community in the artistic world, but there is interest in the distribution of his life herencia millonaria.

With a fortune that different estimates fluctuate more and more million million pesosYour legacy includes propiedades, commercial property and important art objects.

The Pinal heritage, collected from trayectia over more than ten years, is calculated by:

  • Residencia en Jardines del Pedregal: A lujosa mansion prized in 65 million pesosdiseñada por el arquitecto Manuel Rosen and reconocida by your modernist and alberca olimpica.
  • Teatro Silvia Pinal: Ubicado in the Ciudad de México, this este cultural space is one of our more representative people.
  • Pintura de Diego Rivera: Un retrato de la actrizado para la celebre muralista mexicano, actualmente en comodato en el Museum Dolores Olmedowith a value estimate of 60 million pesos. It can’t be a regalado.
  • Branch Negotiation: Con 20 units in the Ciudad de Méxicogenerous ingresos de 9 million pesos per month.
  • Joyas en obras de arte: Including the cumulative value of your life.
  • Propiedades inmobiliarias: Entre ellas, a departure in the Ciudad de México.
Country house of Silvia Pinal en el Pedregal. (IG: @modernismweekmexicocity/ CUARTOSCURO)
Country house of Silvia Pinal en el Pedregal. (IG: @modernismweekmexicocity/ CUARTOSCURO)

As the official will is put into practice, several people may share the fortune of the first actrization. Según statements realized by Pinal in vida and medios como reports TVNotas y Holathe most important things are: Sylvia Pasquel, Alejandra Guzman j Luis Enrique Guzman. If you include your own nietas and bisnietas, these assumption roles come into play in the governance of algunos bienes.

Sylvia Pasquel heredaría el Teatro Silvia Pinal, located in the center of the Ciudad de México. You can engage in the management of other trusted entrepreneurs.

Luis Enrique Guzman the heredero of the mansion of the Jardines del Pedregal, together with the iconic retrato of Diego Rivera; There are other people who have run more than one company up to Alejandra Guzmán, who controls the banks and other financial activities of the company.

For other people, Stephanie Salasjunto con sus hijas, Michelle Salas j Camila Valerorecibiran loose 20 branches when family is important, there are important matters. Frida SofiaThen Alejandra Guzmán, who had been thinking for a while, could consider some other relationships with the family as a final factor.

Alejandra, Sylvia and Luis Enrique play the main herederos. (Photo: Facebook/Silvia Pinal)
Alejandra, Sylvia and Luis Enrique play the main herederos. (Photo: Facebook/Silvia Pinal)

Finally, Efigenia RamosPinal’s personal assistant lasted more than 35 years, informed in early 2022 department if you notice the service.

And 2022Sylvia Pasquel confirmed that there are no existing disputes about the men, there are several versions that emphasize the tensions between the men. Segun TVNotesLuis Enrique Guzmán has appealed on the issue of the bienes of his mother’s house, which will provide an exclusion from the will.

Pasquel, for his part, is not interested in the gentlemen: “Llevo toda mi vida trabajando, no necesito el testamento de my mamá. Yo me mantengo y mantengo a mi familia,” explains a recent study.

In your home, Silvia Pinal guards the famous name of the pintó Diego Rivera (IG: silvia.pinal.h)
In your home, Silvia Pinal guards the famous name of the pintó Diego Rivera (IG: silvia.pinal.h)

There is further controversy over the designation of albacea. At first, Pinal gained confidence in his friendship Tina GalindoIn the fall of 2024, a vacancy began in the organization of the bienes. Rafael HerreriasA family member has found a possible successor.

On November 28, horas antes de lamentable noticia, Sylvia Pasquel Pidió a los medios no especular sobre la fortune de su madre: “El testamento se abrirá cuando sea necesario, y nadie sabe aún los details”, confirmed in Despierta America. The action that highlights the unit during the last period of the Pinal remains important and the rumors of possible conflict.

La Herencia de Silvia Pinal has no limitation on the material. As one of the most important figures in cinema, television and theater in Mexico, his artistic legacy is incalculable. Our people and Nietos, who are in the world of the world, represent the continuation of one dinastía marcada por el exito, the polemic and the glamour.

When the will is officially unveiled, the impact of your life becomes a reference to Mexican culture. The distribution of your heritage is the ultimate activity of one of the most brilliant things in the pantalla as the real life experience.