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AI voice tools bring a ‘human’ touch to e-commerce

AI voice tools bring a ‘human’ touch to e-commerce

OpenAI and Meta have introduced new voice artificial intelligence (AI) features that could change the way consumers interact with brands.

Metas upgrade features celebrity voices such as Judi Dench and John Cena, while OpenAI has been rolled out strengthened voice capabilities for its ChatGPT users. Experts say these innovations promise more natural and personalized interactions, a shift in the e-commerce space.

“This isn’t just about convenience – it’s about creating real, human connections between brands and customers,” Valentin Radufounder of Omnic conversiontold PYMNTS.

Nearly half of U.S. consumers expect voice assistants to match human intelligence and reliability within five years, with many indicating they are willing to pay for such services, according to a recent PYMNTS report. questionnaire of 2,939 people.

Celebrity voices and visual integration

Meta’s AI assistants will now use the voices of celebrities, a move expected to boost user engagement by making interactions more relatable and fun. However, the bigger update includes the ability to handle visual information such as user-uploaded photos. This feature opens new doors for social commerce, allowing users to upload a photo of a product and receive instant, AI-powered recommendations or purchasing options.

Radu sees this shift as a natural next step. “AI voice capabilities provide a seamless, personalized experience,” says Radu, noting that the technology creates a more intuitive shopping experience by providing immediate, tailored responses, reducing friction for consumers. Imagine a customer takes a photo of a dress, uploads it to Instagram and receives voice purchase suggestions real time.

Introducing celebrity voices isn’t just for entertainment; it adds a human touch to the interaction, making digital assistants feel more personal. This shift could lead to higher conversion rates and more meaningful brand-customer relationships.

The commercial impact of OpenAI

OpenAI has also improved its voice capabilities, making conversations with the ChatGPT bot smoother. This update aims to provide smoother, more natural communications, particularly useful in customer service and e-commerce environments where timely, accurate responses are essential. Premium ChatGPT users will be the first to try it, and access will soon be expanded to business customers.

Simona Vasytė-KudakauskėCEO of Perfection42sees these developments as a game-changer for customer service in e-commerce. “Voice-based AI can handle interactions from problem identification to refund processing,” she told PYMNTS.

Voice AI can also help businesses reconnect with shoppers. Instead of sending abandoned cart emails, voice assistants could call customers directly and give them a more personalized nudge to complete their purchases.

Meta and OpenAI’s introduction of AI voice tools has paved the way for a new race in the e-commerce world. Both companies are positioning themselves as leaders in this space, where personalized voice experiences could become the norm.

Integrating voice into social media platforms could give Meta an edge, especially for platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where users already engage in shopping-related activities.

“Platforms that seamlessly connect voting functions with user behavior will prevail,” Radu predicted. He foresees AI voice becoming the preferred method for users to interact with brands and make purchases directly their social media feeds.

OpenAIon the other hand, will likely dominate customer servicesay observers. The voice-activated ChatGPT can handle customer queries, provide personalized product recommendations and even process orders. Vasytė-Kudakauskė believes that companies will focus on the platform that best integrates AI voice into their customer service pipeline, creating smoother and faster interactions.

AI voice capabilities are changing the ecommerce landscape, from social media shopping to streamlined customer service. Meta and OpenAI are betting on these tools as the next step in digital trading.

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