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Caverzaschi, in an epic part, and Martín de la Puente avanzan an octavo

Caverzaschi, in an epic part, and Martín de la Puente avanzan an octavo

Daniel Caverzaschi. EFE/Javier Etxezarreta

Paris, 1 ago (EFE).- The madrileño Dani Caverzaschi, plays an epic role in How Won Im que se fue hasta las casi tres horas, and the vigués Martín de la Puente, against the Argentine Ezequiel Casco, makes his debut on domingo in the Juegos Paralympicos de Paris 2024 won the victories on the slopes of Roland Garros and went to the last octaves of tennis in recent years.

Caverzaschi is the triple of 6-4, 4-6 and 6-7 in the horas, cincuenta and cuatro minutes. If you reinstall the primer set, the intensity of the energy in Paris is increased, with a temperature of the train that gradually rises, and you continue to hold calamities that last for a while and that you are obliged to go through a medical treatment.

However, the calambres that the hicieron has, which finally end up in the brazo of the game, provoke the potency of the saque, and the certainty that demonstrates in its mismo is the remontar of the victoria.

In recent years, if we monitor our evolution, Letizia has been at the height of the level of the 10 track of Roland Garros under the leadership of Miguel Carballeda, president of the Español Paralímpico Committee, Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education, Professional Training and Sports; and José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, president of the Consejo Superior de Deportes.

The high temperatures, where the intensity of the heat increases, show the part of the degree and end up more and more on the pista to congratulate and last for a few minutes with the Spanish cuisine.

Caverzaschi meditates in the last octaves with the Dutch of Tom Egberink, the series is number one.

At the age of 25, it took a few minutes and a few minutes in the defeat of Ezequiel Casco, who lost 6-2, 6-0 to his rival.

While he is graduating, it is always the case that Dani Caverzaschi studies the queen Letizia, who receives a congratulation from the jugador.

In octavos in the middle of Maikel Scheffers, who made his debut in Austria with Nico Langmann.