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COVID-19 case surge: the vaccination campaign and preparation for the automne

COVID-19 case surge: the vaccination campaign and preparation for the automne

COVID-19 cases are a part of the province in the province, with a cent from the CHSLD getting a prize in the square, as Quebec begins to reflect on its vaccination campaign.

• Also read: An updated version of COVID-19 vaccines is available in other educational institutions

• Also read: Cases in progress: 110 CHSLD contacts during COVID-19 lockdowns

Since the end of the year, the distribution of the vaccine has been coordinated with the anti-grip vaccine cell.

The positive virus test rate is 21.4% over the last 18 months, with 1,175 positive tests out of 5,431 responses, even those provided by the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ).

While hospital admissions are in the house, it is worth observing the level of presence on the pandemic square.

“At the moment that the development takes place of an appeal to a Community immunity, it is a nice protection of the EU (des) vaccines. However, when you are dealing with the COVID, you cannot have a surprise when you make the debut, a kindred spirit of the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé.

At the end of the month, the national director of public health, the DR Luc Boileau discovered the point of vaccination in the following periods.

At this time, the recommendations still apply to the cells of the past year, it is no longer possible to use a vaccine if you are infected with COVID . I can’t wait to follow the campaign of this car.

“This campaign uses a vaccine that adapts to the virus forms that are active in the cycle,” explains DR Étienne Racine, medical advisor at INSPQ.

“All vaccine recommendations are autonomous and stronger than those for people at greater risk of serious infection,” she said.