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Harris blasts Trump for fantasizing about having Nazi generals

Harris blasts Trump for fantasizing about having Nazi generals

Vice President Kamala Harris has responded to new statements from former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly describing Donald Trump’s fascist ambitions.

In a televised address from the vice president’s home, Harris told reporters that it is clear that her Republican opponent wants “a military that is loyal to him,” a military that will be “loyal to him personally, a military that will do his bidding.” will obey even if he tells them to break the law.”

“Donald Trump is becoming increasingly unhinged and unstable,” Harris said. “In a second term, people like John Kelly wouldn’t be there to act as a guardrail against his tendencies and his actions.”

“We know what Donald Trump wants. He wants unchecked power. The question in thirteen days will be: what do the American people want? the vice president added.

Kelly said on Tuesday The New York Times that the former president embodies the definition of a fascist. “Certainly the former president is in far-right territory, he is certainly authoritarian and admires people who are dictators – he has said that. So he certainly falls under the general definition of fascist,” Kelly said, adding that Trump “certainly prefers the dictatorial approach to government.”

In a separate interview given to The Atlantic OceanKelly went on the record with additional details about his previous claims that Trump once told him he needed loyal generals like “the German generals in World War II.” Kelly told the publication that when he tried to clarify to Trump exactly which German generals he was talking about, the former president explicitly stated that he wanted “Hitler’s generals.”

Two additional sources said The Atlantic Ocean that the former president once said he wanted “the kind of generals Hitler had,” as in “people who were completely loyal to him, who followed orders.”

Trump has made no secret of his autocratic ambitions, vowing to act as dictator for one day, praising authoritarians, accusing migrants of “poisoning the blood of our country,” mass arrests and deportations of undocumented immigrants. have vowed and threatened to use the military against American citizens to eradicate the “enemy from within.”


Despite the clear picture Trump paints for voters about his plans for the nation, his words do not appear to actively sway voters against him. Chris Sununu, the Republican governor of New Hampshire, told CNN on Wednesday that there is no problem praising Hitler at this point.

“We’ve heard a lot of extreme things from Donald Trump. With a guy like that, it’s kind of ingrained in the mood,” he said.