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Com TW NOw News 2024

It is inappropriate to identify national identity with the bizarre policies of BS

It is inappropriate to identify national identity with the bizarre policies of BS

Photo: Bosnian Democratic Movement

Photo: Bosnian Democratic Movement

It is extremely inappropriate to accuse Bosniaks who do not belong to the Bosnian party of being shy and that they only found the strength to come out after the results of the census, which is extremely inappropriate of ‘authentic’ representatives of the Bosnian people, said the vice president of the Bosnian Volkskrant. Bosniak Council and the founder of the Bosnian Democratic Movement, Bejto Šahmanović.

“Dear Bosniaks, first of all I would like to thank our people, and then the institutions of the system, for the successfully conducted census, which took place under correct conditions. As Vice President of the Bosnian Council and someone who has worked diligently with only a few other people actively campaigning in the last few months of 2023, I am proud that the number of Bosnians is higher compared to the previous census. I am also pleased with the number of members of the Bosnian people who speak their language under the real name ‘Bosnian.’ and the explicit reactions of the Bosnian Party and its officials, who boast that they are responsible for the increase in the number of Bosniaks in this census,” Šahmanović said.

He says that identifying national identity and subjective feelings with the “erratic policies of the Bosnian Party is inappropriate, to say the least.”

“Their position on the census was announced long ago, which can be easily checked with one click on the search engine. The activity of the Bosnian Party during the census is best illustrated by the number of their public statements, which equals to zero While many from other Bosnian organizations, institutions and individuals sent invitations for active participation and declaration in the census, we heard not a word from the Bosnian party. I personally invited them and emphasized through the media the importance of including the highest positions among the Bosnian people in the census activities, but unfortunately they were not there on the basis of the principle ‘after the battle everyone is a general’, in the hope to gain political points in this way, because they saw that they are losing at every step – including the last elections in Podgorica, when they fell by more than 50% of the votes compared to the last parliamentary elections,” he writes. Šahmanovic.

He says that most Bosniaks are Bosniaks by birth, not by party membership.

“Proof that the leadership of the Bosnian party wants to adorn itself with the feathers of others are the minutes of the meeting of the Bosnian council in Montenegro on October 22, 2023, when they hid behind the Bosnian council and the Islamic community, not the issuing a single statement during that period. The minutes of the Council meetings clearly show how much the Bosnian Party officials are actually interested in national politics, as most of them do not appear at working meetings at all (except for the ceremonies in which they are present). the first rows) of the state, apartments, a percentage of various projects and a coalition with the Duke of Chetnik, then we do not agree on the interpretation of the word “emancipation”. wrongly of the ‘authentic’ representatives of the Bosnian people. The majority of Bosnians are Bosnian by birth and not by party membership, as you, gentlemen of the Bosnian party think, if the people had been guided by your ’emancipatory’ logic politically they would certainly have expressed themselves differently,” the announcement said .
