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Jury finds former Clark County politician guilty of murdering Las Vegas journalist

Jury finds former Clark County politician guilty of murdering Las Vegas journalist

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (FOX5) – A jury finds former Clark County politician Robert Telles guilty in the murder case against a Las Vegas journalist.

The jury finds Robert Telles, a former Clark County politician, guilty of murdering a Las Vegas journalist.

The editor-in-chief of the Las Vegas Review-Journal issued the following statement:

Clark County District Attorney Steven Wolfson praised the work of his prosecutors in the case.

Watch the Clark County District Attorney’s speech following the guilty verdict of former politician Robert Telles.

The jury resumed closed-door deliberations on Wednesday at 8:55 a.m.

Telles is accused of stabbing a former German to death in 2022.

The jury has listened to testimony for nearly two weeks and reviewed over 300 pieces of evidence, taking notes and analyzing everything thoroughly. We’ve even heard intriguing questions from them. It’s telling how long they’ve been deliberating.

German’s family is at the Regional Justice Center day in and day out for this trial. Staff from the public administrator’s office are here too, anxiously awaiting news from the jury deliberation room.

FOX5 is streaming everything that happens in the courtroom. This article is being updated.


3:14 PM – The jury is currently deliberating on the sentence for Robert Telles.

3:10 PM – Deputy District Attorney Christopher Hamner delivers the State’s closing statements in the sentencing phase.

“When crimes like this are committed, they have a domino effect. Nobody wins, we are here because of the actions of one person and one person alone,” he said. “The way Robert Telles chose to handle this was devastating. And it was his choice and his choice alone. Nobody forced him,” Hamner told jurors.

15:03 – Draskovich cites a slide that reads “Retribution versus Redemption.”

“We do not forgive to let an offender go. Forgiveness is salvation for ourselves,” Draskovich said.

“Give her a chance to get her son back,” and his mother cries again in the front row. “He has maintained his innocence, don’t punish him for that,” he said.

2:56 PM – The state has waived its right to a “first closing” and will only file a rebuttal after the defense’s closing statements.

Robert Draskovich begins by referring to the three possible punishments. He asks them to devote equal attention and energy to determining the punishment.

“In this case, we have two devastated families. Both families, through no fault of their own, have suffered the trauma of this case,” Draskovich acknowledged.

Telles’ mother cries heavily during this period.

2:48 pm – After a short break, the jury is back in the courtroom. The judge reads out 13 instructions that they must follow during deliberations.

We will hear closing statements from both sides.

2:30 pm – Robert Telles’ mother, Rosalinda Anaya, addresses the jury.

“I was 18 years old when I had him. He is my world,” she began her statement.

Telles seemed very emotional at times during his testimony.

Anaya said, “I love you, son,” as she left the courtroom.

2:18 PM – Tonia Burton, Telles’ ex-wife and mother of his eldest daughter, is now testifying.

2:07 PM – Robert Telles’ wife, Maryann Ismael, is now on the witness stand.

Ismael says that Telles worked extremely hard and wanted to provide for his family.

“He was always there, especially for his children,” she told jurors.

13:59 – Julie Smith, Jeff’s sister, addresses the jury.

“He seemed like the center of our family,” she said. “We will never be able to laugh with him,” Smith continued.

1:50 PM – The state calls Jill Zwerg, Jeff’s youngest sister, as a witness.

In a pre-written statement, Zwerg said, “This holiday season will never be the same without Jeffrey.”

“He never forgot his nieces and nephews’ birthdays,” she added.

13:43 – Jeff’s younger brother Jay German is present as a witness.

Jay says his sister called him to tell him Jeff had died. He wasn’t asleep at all when he heard.

“Jeff was our leader. He was the older brother that we all leaned on,” Jay said.

“I wouldn’t want anyone to go through this… a huge part of Jeff’s life was spending time with his family. So yes, it’s going to take a long time for us to get over this, but we’re doing the best we can. We miss him very much,” he concluded his testimony.

1:40 pm – The jury is back in the courtroom. Both sides will now present their opening statements.

We will hear from witnesses. The state says German’s family will speak while the defense tells FOX5 that Telles’ wife, ex-wife and mother will testify.

The jury must determine three possible punishments.

The jury members will decide Telles’ fate:

  • 50 years with the right to conditional release after 20 years
  • Life imprisonment with the right to parole after 20 years
  • Life without possibility of parole

13:12 hours – Defense attorney Robert Draskovich confirms to FOX5 that Telles’ wife, ex-wife and mother will testify as witnesses during the sentencing phase.

12:10 pm – The jury finds Robert Telles guilty of the death of Review-Journal journalist Jeff German.

10:37 am – District Court PIO Mary Ann Price said a verdict will be delivered at 12:00 p.m.

08:55 am – The jurors begin deliberations for the third day.