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Kevin Hart is forgetful during a day of drinking with Seth Meyers

Kevin Hart is forgetful during a day of drinking with Seth Meyers

Hey guys how are those after-debate Hangovers coming? If you need a little hair of the dog to recover from a night of stressing about the future of our country and Taylor Swift’s Friendship With Brittany MahomesWhy not watch Seth Meyers drink Kool-Aid and hot sauce out of a sneaker with Kevin Hart (a terrifying new drink called “Kevin’s Gate”) and discuss whether all white people look the same? (Hart’s answer? “Yes.”)

Hart stopped by Meyers’ “Day Drinking” – the host recurring segment where he and his guests get extremely drunk and say things they might regret it the next day—to promote his new tequila brand Gran Coramino and play a game of “has Kevin Hart worked with this actor before?” It’s a game you’d think Kevin Hart would be good at because, well, he is Kevin Hart. Just imagine how easy it would be for the Cinematrix would be if you were one of the answers! But for Hart, it turns out, it wouldn’t be easy at all.

Sure, the Border areas actor may have so many IMDb credits that Meyers’ team’s computers “crashed because there’s so much stuff.” But that’s no excuse to every question is wrong. Hart starts off strong with a whole monologue about how he actually has worked with “the beautiful and talented Jennifer Aniston,” presaging the question “Kevin, when?” Apparently Hart remembered they shared a block of time together for ABC, but completely forgot the fact that they also starred together in the 2004 film There came Polly. Then there’s Harrison Ford, who in The Secret Life of Pets—a film that Hart absolutely never saw, despite starring in both it and its sequel.

It wasn’t just the actors Hart actually starred with. “I know we’ve worked together,” he declared confidently over a photo of Denzel Washington, earning Meyers a perfectly comedic “in what?” The answer? Absolutely not. The equalizerdespite Hart’s drunken attempts to gaslight the crew. We won’t spoil all of Hart’s wrong answers, but be warned: the segment escalates to a place where a cameraman’s life is on the line. Jokingly, of course, but it’s nice to watch a talk show clip where the stakes—and the participants’ lack of a filter—feel very, very real.

The segment also reveals that Hart may know nothing about child safety in cars, and forces him to utter some potentially career-ending fake catchphrases like “Off topic, but I looooooooove (with exactly nine ‘o’s) Bill Cosby.” You can watch the full clip below: