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Kristen Bell Told Instagram to ‘Get Rid of AI’ Before Becoming Instagram’s Official Voice

Kristen Bell Told Instagram to ‘Get Rid of AI’ Before Becoming Instagram’s Official Voice

Meta has made deals for well-known actors to lend their voices to their Meta AI chatbot, with Kristen Bell being one of the first voices. Bell lending her voice comes as a bit of a surprise. In June, she openly voiced her opposition to Meta’s AI using her data.

She reposted a popular Instagram post in which she stated that she refused to give Meta permission to use her content and likeness to train large language models and demanded that Instagram “remove the AI ​​program.”

The prompt claims that by reposting, users are denying Meta permission to use their personal data for these purposes. Celebrities including Jessica Chastain, Sarah Paulson, and Ashley Tisdale have reposted a recent version of this prompt — reposting does not unsubscribe you, however.

This inconvenience stems from a June update to Meta’s terms of service, which allows the company to use posts, images, and online tracking data to train its Llama 3 AI model. You can opt out through a set of settings, but not via a message on Instagram.

The role of AI in creative industries has sparked intense debate, with the entertainment union SAG-AFTRA fighting to ensure that its members are not replaced by AI without consent and working with the state of California to pass AI laws restricting AI actor cloning. But artists and actors aren’t necessarily against the technology itself — they just want to be fairly compensated. In the case of Meta, The Wall Street Journal The actors reportedly received millions for their contributions.

Meta and Bell representatives have not responded to The Edge‘s request for comment.