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Matt Hardy – ‘I believe in Joe Hendry, he’s a marketing genius!’

Matt Hardy – ‘I believe in Joe Hendry, he’s a marketing genius!’

On a recent edition of his “Extreme Life” podcast, Matt Hardy discussed the momentum TNA Wrestling is regaining, the recent success of Joe Hendry, and more.

Below you can listen to some highlights from the podcast:

On Joe Hendry’s popularity: “We actually sat down. We were in catering on the weekend and we were just talking about different things. And he explained to a couple of guys, a couple of wrestlers, ‘If you’re going to do YouTube, this is how it’s done. If you’re going to do TikTok, this is how it’s done. And if you’re going to do Twitter, this is how I would do it.’ He had a different plan for how to be successful on each of those platforms, which was pretty brilliant. And he was right about everything he said, I agree with most of it.

“But yeah, he really is. He knows what he’s doing and he’s a marketing genius. And I can almost guarantee you that was his idea. He got it approved by the powers that be, and he did it, and I thought it was awesome that it was a thing. The fact that NXT did this three- or four-minute package on Joe Hendry, a TNA contract star, to promote him and build him up. And they used footage, like it’s the footage that he used so often. Because there are deals where he takes screenshots of just a sign in the audience. Like ‘I Believe In Joe Hendry’ at WWE shows, and they posted that… I know Joe had that, he definitely had a say in it. Because it was very much from his mind and the way he thinks. And then he’s got a live concert next week on NXT and they’re promoting it. I think it’s awesome, I think it’s so awesome.”

On the rise of TNA: “One thing I can say is TNA — their TV, their TV distribution isn’t huge, right? It’s on AXS TV. And I’ve even talked to the guy who’s one of the heads of Anthem, and we talk about all sorts of things. And the TNA+ app has been growing a lot over the last few years, exponentially. And recently it’s been growing a lot, like I know some of the shows that I’ve done. Like Me vs. Moose, there was a huge boost, a huge win and ratings there and everything. So that’s where they’re trying to focus most of their attention, almost like when WWE had the network. They’re trying to get everybody to the network. That’s where you can watch all the shows, you can watch all the TV and this, that and the other.

“But still, TNA and their social media footprint of putting things out there. I can with me, you know how I said, which was a controversial statement, (I was) devalued in AEW or not utilized in the way that I wanted to be utilized. Here in TNA. I’ve already gained value. It’s crazy, the amount of Cameos that I’ve gotten has increased. The contracts that we’ve done, the more people that come out, say they saw me on TNA and show up and are excited and happy to see me in a slot where I’m thriving? That’s increased too. Everything in general has increased. And it’s TNA, and they don’t have a huge footprint on a television network, because they’re on AXS TV. But just because I’m in that spot, and I’m doing well and thriving, and I’m being utilized so well… and even this immersive package that was recently, like I got a lot of great feedback on that deal. And the fact of the matter is, it feels good to be in a position where you feel momentum again. And momentum is something that helps us. I mean, something that me, my wife and kids are working on, is we have a couple of deals with reality TV shows. And that’s something that we’re working on, and I’d love to do that. Nothing would make me happier. And we have so many different irons in the fire.”