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Mbappe buys Ligue 2 club

Mbappe buys Ligue 2 club

At 25, the captain of the Blues already has more than one cap screwed on his head. And soon that of majority shareholder of a Ligue 2 club.

An accomplished footballer and businessman, not to mention his many charitable actions, Kylian Mbappé is certainly a busy man. But with ever more ambitions. Very soon, the new Merengue should become the majority shareholder of Stade Malherbe de Caen, a Ligue 2 resident.

According to information from Le Parisien that we are able to confirm with a source close to the striker’s entourage, the captain of the French team and new Real Madrid player (25 years old) will be this Tuesday the new majority shareholder, at 80%, or Stade Malherbe de Caen “, we can read this Monday in the digital pages of L’Equipe.

An investment of 15 million euros

It is through his investment fund, Coalition Capital, that the captain of the French team will finalize this acquisition with the Americans of Oaktree, who arrived at the helm of the Normandy club in 2020. This for an amount estimated at 15 million euros. Pierre-Antoine Capton, current chairman of the Supervisory Board, must remain a minority shareholder at 20%.

It is a pragmatic American investment fund that wants to recover its investment. “, recalls Pierre-Antoine Capton, who believes that Oaktree four years ago helped save the Caen club. In 2013, when he was 14, Kylian Mbappé almost signed for Stade Malherbe after leaving INF Clairefontaine. The Bondy prodigy and his family ultimately opted for Monaco. With the rest we know.