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Com TW NOw News 2024

Paralímpicos 2024: París promete los más universales de la historia

Paralímpicos 2024: París promete los más universales de la historia

The inauguration of the Juegos Paralympicos de Paris 2024 with 4,400 participants and a record of 167 países, breath of the equipment of refugees.

PARIS – Paris Levanto is the largest part of the phone Paralympic Games suspect that the edition will be celebrated more universal and uniform history is compared with 4,400 participants, a record of 167 países representing more than flight equipment and 96 neutral athletes.

There are 168 delegations, breaking the previous record of 164 Paralympic Games the London 2012 and the Tokyo 2020, con tres países (Eritrea, Kiribati and Kosovo) debut in a Paralympic city.

There are 4,400 deportistas participating in 549 events with medals in 22 deportations with many records with 1,983 and female shares (45%, for a 55% of men). The previous maximus were productive in Tokyo 2020, with 1,846 deportistas (42%).

The first football matches were played in 1960 in Roma and were beaten by 400 deportistas. On the other hand, the number of competitors is increasing in the latest edition, it will be in these point cases to 4,393 in Tokyo 2020.

China, which won the medals at the 2004 Olympics, has led the largest delegation in Paris in 2024 with 282 delegates (124 men and 158 people). Brazil has brought the next number (255) to the market, by the length of Francia (237), Estados Unidos (220) and Gran Bretaña (201).

In total there are 35 pages with a number of numbers included female athletes in a few years and 27 years with more people who have competition.

Athleticism contrasted with the number of deportistas (1,135), by the nation of the nation (608) and the tennis of the city (281).

Los Paralímpicos are more accessible: YouTube and TikTok

Los de Paris 2024 serán “los Juegos Paralímpicos más accessibles de la historia”, starting with Comité Paralímpico Internacional (IPC, for us English), the titles of the broadcasts (television and radio) of more than 160 countries and territories can be broadcast together. Los de Tokio 2020 will be broadcast again in 154 countries and territories, with a combined audience of 4,100 million spectators.

Once again, YouTube complementary to the official graduation ceremonies with 1,400 hours in the immediate vicinity of the 22 deportations, as well as the inauguration and closing ceremonies.

The application TikTokthanks to our ‘Regalos Live’, watch the fondos during the Juegos Paralímpicos de Paris 2024 which are intended for the promoter of the paralimpic deportation in the world, thanks for a focus with the IPC.

Paris 2024 has the history of the first Juego Paralímpicos and offers a lifetime about one of the 22 deportations, while now there is no more production. In Tokyo 2020, 19 broadcasts will be broadcast and the Juegos Paralímpicos de Río 2016 are the most 15 broadcasts in life.

Iconic seats

For other people, Paris 2024, the history of the first years began when the paralympic llama started in Stoke Mandeville (Reino Unido), while they are paralyzing. Through the Euro-tunnel, the llama is multiplied by the digital form in Calais and there are numerous reports of French regions with 1,200 relevant messages from Antorcha.

The competition tends to play a lot and install the Olympic Games and start 18 days after August 11 with the appearance of the Olympic llama in the French stadium.

Reply as he is Bercy Arena (baloncesto en silla de ruedas), el Palacio de Versalles (hípica), el Grand Palais (esgrima en silla de ruedas y taekwondo), la Explanada de los Inválidos (tiro con arco), Paris La Defense Arena (natación), el Puente de Alejandro III (triathlon), the Estadio de la Torre Eiffel (football 5 para ciegos), Roland Garros (tenis en silla de ruedas), the Estadio de Francia (athletism) and the Velódromo Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines ( ciclismo en pista).

A few young children participate in deportation with physical, intellectual, visual and cerebral paralysis or cerebral adquirido.

The official program includes the following competitions: athletics, badminton, football in football, boccia, ciclismo, football in football, fútbol-5, goalball, judo, halterofilia, hippie, natación, piragüismo, remo, taekwondo, tenis de mesa, tenis en silla de ruedas, tiro con arco, tiro, triathlon, rugby en silla de ruedas en voleibol sentado.

In total, there are 549 medal events distributed, of which 271 male, 235 female and 43 mixed. These competitions are mostly at 17 years old, between the city center (now) and the zone of Saint-Dennis, in the north (three). Other people can be in the periphery or in local cercanas.