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SNP in crisis as membership halves after Nicola Sturgeon arrest | Politics | News

SNP in crisis as membership halves after Nicola Sturgeon arrest | Politics | News

SNP in crisis as membership halves after Nicola Sturgeon arrest | Politics | News

The number of SNP members has halved following a police investigation into the party’s finances and the arrest of Nicola Sturgeon.

Documents filed with the Electoral Commission show that the Nationalist Party had 64,525 members as of June 1.

This is a 12% drop in less than a year and around half the SNP’s peak of 125,691 votes in 2019.

Party treasurer Stuart McDonald, a former MP for Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East, blamed the decline on pressure on the cost of living.

The move follows a chaotic period for the SNP, following the shock resignation of Ms Sturgeon last year and amid a police investigation into the way more than $600,000 in party donations earmarked for an independence referendum were used.

Peter Murrell, a former SNP leader and husband of Ms Sturgeon, was charged with embezzlement in April.

In April last year, police raided the Glasgow home that Ms Sturgeon shares with Mr Murrell, as well as the SNP headquarters in Edinburgh.

In dramatic scenes, officers set up a blue tent outside the site as they searched the grounds for two days.

The inquiry also arrested Ms Sturgeon and former treasurer Colin Beattie last year, but they were released without charge pending further inquiries. They deny any wrongdoing.

Ms Sturgeon stepped down as Scotland’s First Minister in March last year and was replaced by Humza Yousaf.

But in May he was forced to resign after the SNP and Greens failed to reach a power-sharing deal.

Ms Sturgeon’s former deputy, John Swinney, took over after Mr Yousaf left.




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