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Com TW NOw News 2024

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Not clear right now if France thinks he was actively complicit with the four horsemen listed, or if just the act of running Telegram makes him complicit in their eyes, or something in the middle, e.g. they asked for help and Telegram turned them down.

This will be an interesting case to watch — I don’t believe there are any western nations that want non-locally-backdoored messaging of any sort — but generally my understanding is that harassment on border entry has been the order of the day, rather than arrests.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> I don’t believe there are any western nations that want non-locally-backdoored messaging of any sort

But that’s what exactly they want no? EU is literally implementing a regulation that will allow to “circumvent end-to-end encryption to address child sexual abuse material”. I believe it failed to pass recently, but they will try again – and nothing stops countries to implement it independently. I think France is the one who was pushing for that in the first place.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Durov 2024 interview,… (text) &… (video)

> Telegram has been used by protesters in places like Hong Kong, Belarus, Kazakhstan, even in Barcelona back in the day. It’s been a tool for the opposition to a large extent. But it doesn’t really matter whether it’s opposition or the ruling party that is using Telegram. For us, we apply the rules equally to all sides. We don’t become prejudiced in this way.

> It’s not that we are rooting for the opposition or we are rooting for the ruling party. It’s not that we don’t care, but we think it’s important to have this platform that is neutral to all voices because we believe that the competition of different ideas can result in progress and a better world for everyone.. You don’t want to be geopolitically aligned. You don’t want to select the winners in any of these political fights.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The major state owned Kazakhstan telecom company did peering with Telegram, they say now it is 10ms is better, but the real reason might be to have means to cutoff Telegram if anything wrong happens

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Durov is full of shit.

He’d have you believe that all messages are welcome on Telegram, that no material is censored, that it’s all about free expression, that they’re too small to provide moderation.

But when an account is flagged for spam, Telegram rapidly responds and restricts or kills the account. So they can and do moderate content.

It’s just that accounts can get flagged for CSAM hundreds of times and Telegram takes no action.

They’re making a choice to provide a platform for this material. That’s against the law and prison time is absolutely justified.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> But when an account is flagged for spam, Telegram rapidly responds (…)

In my experience it’s the channel’s admins who respond, not Telegram’s.

If that’s the case then CSAM not getting actioned is probably just channel admins allowing content that they approve of.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

In cases where there is public evidence of illegal activity, where incidents have been reported to law enforcement, does Telegram provide LE with account information (e.g. phone number) for further investigation? Similar to Apple transparency reports?

> the operators of the messenger app Telegram have released user data to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in several cases. According to SPIEGEL information, this was data from suspects in the areas of child abuse and terrorism. In the case of violations of other criminal offenses, it is still difficult for German investigators to obtain information from Telegram, according to security circles.

Signal and Telegram were publicly sparring in May 2024,…

> two popular chat services have accused each other of having undisclosed government ties. According to Signal president Meredith Whittaker, Telegram is not only “notoriously insecure” but also “routinely cooperates with governments behind the scenes.” Telegram founder Pavel Durov, on the other hand, claims that “the US government spent $3 million to build Signal’s encryption” and Signal’s current leaders are “activists used by the US state department for regime change abroad.”

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It’s not progressive. It’s protectionist. The people they’re protecting carry a lot of guilt, and so really like the “progressive” label, it’s puts a really nice spin on their particular version of graft and corruption.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Yep. If the Swedish government really cared about children, they would do something to stop the massive underage gang violence problem the country has. 12 year olds being used as hitmen for drug gangs is not normal, yet that’s the reality.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

You talk as if this is a problem that is easily solved. Of course government wish this could he solved.

A tip is that whenever you reach a ludicrous conclusion “they do nothing to stop underage violence”, it’s probably your analysis that is ludicrous and not the object being analyzed.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Ignorance is bliss. It literally takes 4 sec to perform a search and find plenty of such cases – (Sky News Investigates: Sweden’s deadly gang war)

“How has a peaceful European country ended up the gun murder capital of the EU?”
“Things got so bad that the government called in the army to help the police. And there’s a new deadly trend emerging in this battle. Gang members as young as 14 are increasingly using explosives to target rivals as they fight over drug turfs. “

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Swedish media cannot report on anything negative related to migrants. If a migrant commits a crime they say “someone was robbed here” if a Swedish person commits the same crime. It basically gives all the personal details of the person.

You speak to people in Sweden and they tell you about the crime and rapes happening.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Since ppl exaggerate individual cases to a generic form, i remain sceptical about “gang of 12 year old”. not to say, it doesnt exists. everything is hyperbole on the internet.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

This is of course a blatant lie. Anyone familiar with Sweden (or rational thought) will know this. But underlying for our international friends.

It’s a bizarre lie, not the least because it so obviously does not hold up to even the most basic scrutiny.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I think you read my clumsy sentence backwards. They absolutely want to get in the middle of messaging, all of them. This is behind many of the calls for E2E interop as well — all the proposals I’m aware of call for termination somewhere in the middle; you can imagine who’d like to be at that termination middle point. This is why Apple will not “move over” to RCS, ever, as a first class transport — it’s fundamentally no more secure than OTA plaintext to existing persistent threat actors.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

So just give me an apple messaging client on my non-apple devices. It is insanely, practically criminally, anti-social to lock your messaging system into your devices alone. It’s like the Joker is running the business decisions over there. Who cares, let’s just watch the world burn.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

When your threat model is “someone on the network intercepting messages”, it doesn’t matter if you control the hardware. When your threat model is “someone owns my device”, it still doesn’t matter if you control the hardware, because, in that scenario, Apple is the bad actor you’re trying to protect against.

There’s no scenario where a third party has compromised your phone without Apple’s collaboration, which is the only scenario where the secure enclave would maybe protect you (and even then, the bad actor would just read your messages off the screen or memory directly).

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

In principle you can do the same thing of having keys in a secure enclave that can only be accessed if the bootloader and OS were signed with an appropriate key and not revoked. In practice there would certainly be a larger attack surface because you’ve now got n different hardware secure enclaves, n different bootloaders, and n different OS implementations, and a flaw in any one of them is potentially all that an attacker needs. Would you allow apple to apply a high standard and e.g. blacklist manufacturers who repeatedly had holes in their implementation? Would you trust Huawei’s implementation to not have a hidden backdoor accessible only to the Chinese state and not discoverable otherwise? (Do you trust Apple’s implementation to not have the same for the US/Israel?)

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Perhaps you got thrown by the double negative?

> I don’t believe there are any western nations that want non-locally-backdoored messaging of any sort


> I believe every western nation wants all messaging to be locally-backdoored

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

A handful of EU MEPs keep pushing backdoored encryption and it keeps getting veto’d.

There are two legistive bodies in the EU, one is only allowed to propose law, the other is only allowed to vote on it.

Lots of braindead laws get put to a vote, theres no requirement that they get through.

I understand that raising the alarm is helpful, but it would be helpful if people took a second to understand how the EU works, the politicians involved and how their motions are perceived by the rest of parliament.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

3 actually, (the second body you described can be categorised as bicameral)

Which would be pedantry if it weren’t that one of the two chambers is much more in line with the former

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

To be clear, the legislation in France and in the EU that is most likely behind this arrest is that companies have to at least try to do some moderation. There is an understanding that not everything can be moderated (obviously, the entire Internet would be banned otherwise) but there has to be a genuine attempt.

Which every company does more or less. The fact that Telegram doesn’t reach this extremely low, very low bar is quite something.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Telegram is not a behemoth like Facebook so doesn’t have their resources to moderate everything. Even Facebook isn’t particularly good at it. They mostly rely on software which often produces false positives.

This arrest is completely preposterous and is just an attempt to get Durov to play ball with France’s privacy destroying authorities.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Not being a behemot is not an excuse if they are not moderating criminal behavior at all. I dont know if that is the case, just pointing that logic is not sound.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

To be fair, anyone that has used Telegram for a while know that this is just a mock option to fool regulators. You can report all you want; zero action is taken. There are dozens of accounts that joined groups I’m in to spam CSAM. We’ve reported them, kicked/banned them from the group. Months later you can look them up and they’re still there and still active. They even post CSAM in their public (visible for everyone on their profile) stories.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The amount of obviously illegal content on Telegram makes it plain that, for all intents and purposes, it is an un-moderated platform. They sporadically moderate when there’s serious pressure, but for the most part do nothing.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

What keeps amazing me is that this is supposed to make children’s lives better, by helping social services.

Of course, such legislation only has any chance in hell of improving lives if the standard of living for children, the education, the … IN social services is good. It is very easy to see this WILL put more children into such a situation, and that’s about the only thing such legislation will definitely do. It is completely absurd to think this is going to end drugs, abuse or whatever else they’re looking for.

Is that the case? Is it the case that the standard of living, education, … in social services is good?

No. Not at all. There’s constant scandals and if a child that gets into a social services institution makes it into university, just one, any given year, that’s national news. Prostitution in social services is common, drugs and crime are everywhere.

It seems there is A LOT more work to be done on the other side of social services first. They seem to perform VERY badly once they actually catch someone. So why do this? Because it isn’t to help children. At the very best they see this as a cheap way to look like they’re improving social services.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

They’re building the penthouse suite with all the luxuries you could imagine, but the foundation is rotting away and, if anything, becoming more ignored rather than increasingly important.

It lays bare that their motivation is blanket surveillance for their own political ends and nothing to do with protecting children in the slightest.

Social Services are one of the most consistently underfunded and under-resources arms of government.

Australia has recently had to “increase the bar” at which mandatory reporting is required because the resources don’t exist to even consider investigation of cases where the child’s life isn’t in immediate danger.

It’s gross, but it seems politics around the world has found it’s shared water level, and that level is happy with exploiting exploited children.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It’s so disingenuous to say it’s just a small requirement. It always starts off small than grows and grows into ever widening topics and unfavourable people. We’ve seen that plenty of times on the internet and in history. The good intentions in the early days won’t make any difference in 20yrs from now.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Using this as a means to manufacture consent to implement-enforce such systems, and then what regulation will be used to counter the tyrannical takeover of these systems – who may be the most vile child predators seeking control-power to be able to do what they want – to pillage, rape, and murder as they please?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Let me tell you …seeing the amount of crap this American gets from Europeans regarding all our messed up institutions and also seeing how much the EU does try to fight for its people, the EU is pretty darn good.

This is definitely a “grass is always greener” situation.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I like a lot of things the EU is doing, but this spread of surveillance is something I’ll always protest against. That’s my biggest gripe with the EU, and I hate the Big-Brother-like thinking that gives us the GDPR and also mass surveillance.

It’s clear the EU’s mindset is “nobody can compromise your privacy except me, but it’s OK, I’m benevolent”, and I’m not a fan of that exceptions.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Sadly, this isn’t the case.

I keep bringing it up since people forget about it: in 2006 the EU adopted the Data Retention Directive that forced all ISPs to save the browsing history of everyone.

It was eventually declared invalid by the European court of human rights, but it was still in effect for many years. Countries that did not implement this (eg Romania because their constitutional court found it illegal) were sued by the EU commission.

The EU’s attempts to spy on people go back decades. You’ll also note that government gets exemptions from all the privacy stuff the EU pushes.

I hope the EU changes course on this, but as with their handling of other tech… I’m not holding my breath.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

“Welp.. funding terrorists and then pretending like we’re afraid of them didn’t work, how about we fund child pornographers and then pretend like we just can’t catch them if encryption exists.”

Typical modern law enforcement incompetence. They don’t care about you. They just want to protect their access to your data.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Some say it began as a CIA project.

> Declassified American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.

> The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.

> The documents were found by Joshua Paul, a researcher at Georgetown University in Washington. They include files released by the US National Archives. Washington’s main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a private lawyer by then.

> The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA’s first director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per cent of the movement’s funds.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

With its creation, by which I mean Lisbon Treaty. Before that EU was basically just a free trade zone, after Lisbon the eurocrats took over, trying to turn EU into socialist’s version of heaven on Earth.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It’s becoming a parody because of the citizens and their support for these actions, not just because of “unelected” officials. Go look at subreddits for Europe or France or the UK or whatever. Free speech is not something they value. Individual rights aren’t valued. Users are often crying for Musk to be arrested, or LinkedIn (seriously) to be banned, or moderation to be required everywhere, or jail time for vague “hate speech”. Any discussion that brings up the value of free speech is met with some empty remark about how only America has “bad” free speech laws. Unfortunately many Europeans have been conditioned to expect and desire authoritarian rule over their lives, and it shows.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Reddit is very far from representative. Try posting anything there that isn’t far left and you’ll get banned or modded into invisibility pretty quickly. The only people obsessed with speech enough to want to moderate subreddits for free are all people who, surprise, think controlling speech is really important.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

How is that different from any other country?

Jail them, fire them is a pretty common demand on the left and right.

And fo be fair not everyone can surveillance the whole Internet like the US do or can enforce local laws worldwide.

Things like like the CloudAct and
FISA section 702.

Not to mention that free speech sounds good, but you still can get fired and lose your income and health insurance.

So it’s free speech for people like Musk and many others self censor their posts.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Free speech is not unrestricted speech, nor freedom from consequences. The market is also not free when it’s uncontrolled, that would just result in blatant manipulation.

And hate speech is a serious crime, not sure why you believe otherwise. In many aspects, most EU countries have much freer speech than the US.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Free speech is not something they value. Individual rights aren’t valued.

Nonsense. Of course Europeans value those things, but they’re also mindful of the fact that such freedoms can be abused, sometimes with catastrophic consequences.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Of course people who don’t value much free speech say that they’re mindful of the fact that freedom can be abused etc. Nobody will ever say “yes I like censorship because I am a reactionary”.

In general, remember that villains almost always justify their action as necessary or just- only in movies their stated motive is obviously egoistical.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I would love for LinkedIn to be banned. I just play along there because it’s the only option if you want to get a job.

But the people repeating sickening corporate PR and marketing crap there making me nauseous. It’s 100x more fake than Facebook. I really hate it.

If it’d be banned I could do without it because nobody would have it.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

So a website you don’t like you would ban for everybody else as well just because you decided that it is merely marketing crap there making you nauseous. So you then conclude it should be banned for everyone else? How do you think the world would look if everybody had the power to ban things with similar reasons? We’d have nothing left in the world. Scary.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

PS: I’m just annoyed being pretty much forced to “profile myself” there in order to be considered for jobs. I used to avoid it but several recruiters told me they would rank people without a linkedin profile lower and even people inside the company where I work now insist on it.

I really hate that kind of corporate evangelisation. If it didn’t exist I wouldn’t have to take part in it, that’s all.

The company I work for is the same. We were one of the last to close our Russian offices when the war started. They say they’re committed to LGBTIQ+ rights yet do huge business in Saudi and the rest of the middle east (and don’t even display the rainbow banners on our site there). The C-Suite say they care about sustainability yet fly all over the world in private jets.

So that’s why I’m a bit sour about that.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Like reddit is representative of what EU citizens think.

Also hopefully LinkedIn will get banned indeed, or have you already forgotten how Microsoft has been (at least theoretically) illegal for nearly a decade already in the EU, because they were (and most likely still are) complicit with the US government in violating human rights, and that is even before considering the monopoly issues ?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> Unelected officials = experts

What? Not in the commission. It’s a 100% politically appointed body made up of politicians, it’s just not elected.

Also even on the lower levels being an “expert” EU apparatchik has absolutely nothing to do with dedicated your life to science.

In any case it’s a deeply flawed system, minimum oversight and a lot of money to spend/waste can’t ever lead anywhere good.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The detainment order was outstanding for some time, and Durov certainly knew that. Still he plainly landed in France and was detained. Why?

My pet tinfoil-hat theory is that he decided that staying in a French prison is safer for him than being out in the open and get some polonium, or whatnot.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

>and get some polonium

Why would he get some polonium? There are endless official Russian state telegram channels. Putin clearly has no issue with it or he would have banned it.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Not necessarily. He may have thought he was in danger.

FWIW, France do not extradite its citizen and Pavel Durov is french. He may have been arrested but that doesn’t mean he will stay in detention depending on the nature of the charge and his eventual cooperation. Who knows, maybe he called before landing in France so that he was arrested and seen as cooperative.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I find it highly amusing that people on here actually think secure messaging platforms are “locally backdoored”.

Despite what the article says, Telegram is not even a nominally end-to-end encrypted platform. You need to jump through hoops to get end-to-end encryption on the platform.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It’ll be interesting to see if the likes of Marlinspike, Firefox, EFF, etc., rally to support this guy.

It’s really chilling to see the steps EU gobs are taking against free speech. In some ways they seem more authoritarian than even China and Russia. It’s like “free world” is becoming a farce.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Durov has been shilling his crypto scams while shitting on all those services you’re talking about (well, at least Signal) claiming they don’t do anything for privacy.

Considering how he’s tarnished Signal, there is absolutely no reason for them or anyone else to back him up.

What will be very funny is the fact that Telegram is pretty much not encrypted (yeah ok, “secret chats”, whatever sure) and now that investigators probably have access to Durov’s phone, that lack of encryption might come back to bite him in the ass. Can’t wait to know what they find and if they do find something, it might be interesting to see if he finally changes his stance.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Signal also has a long history of shitting on their competitors with extremely questionable arguments, if not quite to the same extent as Telegram. The issues at stake here are far more important. Encrypted messengers had better hang together or they will surely hang separately.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> there is absolutely no reason for them or anyone else to back him up

If you don’t uphold the principles all you have to do is wait until it bites you too.

What happened to “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Government funding?

Mandatory phone number exposure? (or did they finally implement usernames?)

A joke of a “registration lock pin” instead a proper 2FA to protect against sim-swap?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Large geopolitical powers are all the same. It’s only people who live there that are convinced they are doing better than those other guys.

Yes, that includes people from Russia, China or the US believing they are the ones who are truly free, and everything else are totalitarian shitholes. Each one of them is even kind of right in their own regard.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The main problem with Telegram is it’s not subject to Western surveillance and censorship. Best I can tell, it’s also not subject to Eastern surveillance and censorship which is why it was (unsuccessfully) banned in Russia in 2018. As of right now, this is one of the few places where you can find true information about WW3 which is currently ongoing in Ukraine. This is true of all sides of the conflict: the only truly uncensored source right now is Telegram, whether you’re in Ukraine, in Russia or in the west. People investing hundreds of billions of dollars into the war do not like this lack of control over the narrative. That is why Durov is in jail.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> (..) That is why Durov is in jail.

Speculative. We don’t know why he is in jail. Maybe his lawyers know why, maybe not. Maybe the prosecutor knows, maybe not. We don’t know if there’s a case. There’s hardly anything we do know.

My take is he doesn’t reply to LE requests related to CSAM. That is one of the few things we (as in: our governments) don’t like anywhere in the world, and Telegram is known to respond slowly to (such) requests. But I won’t pretend I know for sure. Cause either way, it is a neat honeypot compared to technically better protocols.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

You look at both sides and try to get some nuggets of truth out of that mountain of bullshit by checking what doesn’t line up. Thing is, though, if you only look at the mainstream media, you can’t even figure out what’s bullshit – the conflicting narratives are suppressed so well that editors of Pravda would blush.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

But here’s the thing. If your app is known to be uses heavily by criminals ranging from Pedo’s to drug dealers. You are liable. You run a carrier service. Much like the owner of omegle found out, yes you do have a duty of care. You can’t just provide a service that knowingly provides a platform to criminal activity and do jack shit. You live in fairytale land if you think you can.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I upvoted your comment so that it has a bit of visibility because I know some people think this, but I disagree with it, very strongly.

First, your analogy is broken — roads, telephones, pen and paper, motor vehicles all fit your description just as aptly.

Second, you propose your preferred moral economy as one that only curtails harms. In fact, you create another harm implementing what you think is right.

Reasonable people disagree about which is worse — the creation and public support of a technocratic oligarchy in control of how humans communicate or the proliferation of some harms that take advantage of unfettered communication. But please don’t be simple minded, pretending to yourself or others that there aren’t real costs, social and physical, on both sides of this.

For myself, I think private communications are a human right and a massive good for society, and I don’t condone criminal acts undertaken using messaging.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Indeed. NIMBYs in my area claim that we should shut down the train because criminals come from the inter city to commit crimes and then return to the city after. I see the claims against telegram to be the same.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

There are entire Telegram groups devoted to publishing CSAM. They’re publicly available, not E2E encrypted. Being there in such a channel puts the data on your device, unencrypted. You can report it all you want. Nothing happens. Been there, done it.

It is not just that. Weapons. Drugs. Terrorism (1). Pornography depicting rape.

(1) Includes accelerationism. France just had a terrorist attack on a synagogue. Germany had one on a city festival. Could be related to either. We don’t know!

And yet, with all above being said, as much of a cesspool Telegram is, I much rather have such centralized there than in an application with group E2E encryption. But even then, every once in a while you want to scare the herd to demotivate their (criminal) effort, just be careful not to flock them to a better alternative. Which is a real risk.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I think private communications are a human right as well. But I don’t think every conceivable way of communicating must be private. You can always go outside and talk privately with your neighbour.

To use your analogy: shouldn’t everyone look away when you drive by so that you can have private road usage?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

>First, your analogy is broken — roads, telephones, pen and paper, motor vehicles all fit your description just as aptly.

and they’re usually public property and policed. Routine police inspection on a road and in particular control of borders and key nodes in your transportation infrastructure isn’t exactly controversial. (unless you’re part of some extreme political faction). You know a lot of countries where people can drive without a license plate?

Private communication is important but it has always had limits, this crypto mentality of companies exercising no compliance, having no borders, ignoring the law and national security doesn’t have a precedent. Historically people communicated say in the US using an American telecommunications network which without a doubt complied with legal requests. It’s not at all self evident that we should tolerate telecoms infrastructure operated by a Russian out of Dubai that is primarily used by an enemy we’re effectively at war with.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

That’s because they are different, police can come with a warrant to check your house for illegal activity but they can’t monitor you remotely 24/7 with barely any human intervention and store everything you do indefinitely. With electronic communication you either get full privacy or none.

And no, putting company’s in charge of your privacy isn’t a solution, if they can be compelled to give away your communication history then they’ll abuse it. Have you not learned anything from the Snowden leaks?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Police got a warrant for Durov and arrested him. How is that different? Yet some people are upset anyways.

And it’s not true that with electronic communication you either get full privacy or none. You can have end-to-end encrypted messages with unencrypted metadata, so that when police observe a message implicating the sender in a crime (e.g. on an arrested suspect’s phone) they can get a search warrant for the IP address or phone number associated with that account and then visit the owner in person to look at the messages on their phone. This doesn’t allow police to read everyone’s messages all the time undetected, but does allow them to read specific people’s messages if they get a warrant.

Since Telegram doesn’t only have unencrypted metadata but also plenty of unencrypted messages, there must’ve been many cases where a search warrant would’ve yielded lots of useful information. If Telegram didn’t properly respond to all warrants, it seems fair to launch an investigation.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Ah, this multi-jurisdiction setup explains why Durov himself was targeted. As the presumed controlling entity behind that network of shell companies, serving him with a warrant seems like the most effective legal means to make Telegram comply.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

While I agree that private communication should be a human right I also do think that your analogy is wrong.

“roads, telephones, pen and paper, motor vehicles all fit your description just as aptly.”

All of those can be monitored by the government, even your letters could be.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Why stop there? By your logic, the owners of every ISP that provides a pathway for those criminal bits also should be in jail. Every single organization in that pathway would be liable from the registrars to the developers of web libraries or other app services. The governments themselves would be liable in many cases where the government has nationalized internet services.

There is a principle in the free world that one is not criminally liable for the speech of others. This is the principle that allows ISP’s, newspapers, web forums, Google, etc. etc. to exist. You demand that the principle be violated and the Internet be destroyed. I disagree.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> Why stop there?

Because we want to, and we can. I don’t get how HN consistently fails to understand the actual social and political process by which regulations are made. I constantly see this argument which effectively boils down to “if you ban a thing, you will also need to ban everything else, which is absurd, so you shouldn’t ban anything”. But in real life we can choose what we ban. Everything is a trade-off; we can choose to ban something if the harm it creates is considered to outweigh its benefit to society.

It is open to society to decide that Telegram is more proximate to the harm being caused, and less otherwise socially useful, than an ISP, and on that basis punish the former but not the latter. (It is also reasonable to argue that Telegram is not sufficiently proximate to the harm and that it is sufficiently socially useful that it should be allowed to operate, and honestly I sympathise with that argument more. But my point is that it is a matter of weighing social harm vs benefit and not just a technical analysis of “where the bits go”.)

If you get caught driving a getaway car for an armed robber, you are going to jail. Arguing “ah, but by that logic you’ll also have to jail the guy who sold the robber his breakfast” isn’t going to cut it, and rightly so.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Because ‘we’ want to. Who is this ‘we’ you are speaking about? Globalist authoritarian elite that you are somehow part of? Democratic voters? Communication application users? Whose this ‘we’?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> If you get caught driving a getaway car for an armed robber, you are going to jail.

Bad analogy.

Better one is that your a taxi driver and someone who committed a crime hops into your car for a ride, then you’re found guilty by association.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Well in Telegram’s case the idea is that they knowingly provide taxi services to those criminals and do supposedly nothing when it’s reported to them because they are “too small” to moderate everything

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Well I mean in many countries, blocking the surveillance agency from listening in on your calls/texts/chats is illegal. So making an app that interferes with the agencies ability to “listen in” is infact a criminal enterprise.

Don’t have to like it but the law is the law.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The Telegram fanatics for some reason are unwilling to hear it but we’ll say it again: the reason why we still have an Internet in 2024 is that all those services at least attempt some form of moderation.

With more or less success, sure, but they can at least say there is an attempt and they do take down stuff. Durov pretty much brags about not doing the bare minimum.

It’s that simple.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Telegram allows to report illegal content to moderators. Jail those who saw the content but didn’t report it.

I am sure all those claims in the media about “cooperating with terrorists” is just a lie. Probably it is something related to not implementing fingerprints for copyrighted material.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

No because those platforms make the values token effort to curb illegal activity via moderation be it user performed or done by their own employees. Telegram does not do this. Anywhere at all. It’s very different.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I know chat rooms that have been nuked for Pornography etc. I reported some chats where I’ve seen inappropriate content and I received notifications that they were deleted. A lot of users are muted/banned too for illegal activities. It isn’t exactly unmoderated, but the staff can’t exactly search every single server under the sun for illegal material or activities. You probably don’t know how bad Matrix is, out of 200k servers, 70k were banned for CSAM and there are still a lot of them around.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Last time I used Telegram and had a look at the “discussions around your area” or something, I couldn’t find anything that wasn’t about selling drugs or fake documents. It was a giant drug delivery platform.

It might be different in other places but here, in a large city of continental Europe, Telegram is definitely little more than an enabler for illegal activities.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Reporting these posts is ineffective, which is the whole point of the arrest.

The victim of drugs is the whole society. It’s only “victimless” in an absolutely individualistic environment, which I wouldn’t even call a “society”.

But none of this contradicts my initial comment. Telegram is a straight enabler of illegal activities.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

E2EE should be a human right. Period.

There are other ways to capture and ensnare criminals. Sacrificing our privacy for the “greater good” is a bridge too far.

As one counter point, think about all of the completely fine human behaviors that instantly become kompromat when the powers have access to your every communication. That is way more dangerous to democracy, freedom, and liberty than a slightly smaller chance of “not protecting the children”.

Besides, if we actually cared so much about children, we wouldn’t let them not get school lunches, we wouldn’t sell them on gambling and gacha games, and we’d do a much better job of educating them.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

*sigh* Dude, if it’s really that relevant and compelling at least quote it properly. It’s 2024, finding and copy-pasting is barely slower than typing a bad paraphrase.

> Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

— A committee which included Benjamin Franklin


That said, this quote is typically misused, or at best being used wayyy outside its original context. (0)

The Penn family, the local semi-nobility of Pennsylvania, are offering the government a one-time “donation”… in exchange for getting a perpetual exemption from all taxes.

A committee of elected representatives–among them Franklin–are strongly opposed to it, since they believe the democratic legislature’s “essential Liberty” to impose taxes for its citizens is way more important than any “temporary Safety” of a one-time lump sum.


Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Not only you’re responding with an ad-hominem, which is blatantly bad enough; but you’re doing it against Benjamin Franklin? One of the most influential thinkers of his time who has contributed to the liberty of way more people than you ever will?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

And I have no idea what you think you’re adding to the discussion by adding this ‘context’.

That phrase has a life of its own, and has stood the test of time.

When someone says that e=mc2, do you feel a need to make sure everyone knows the ‘context’ that Einstein took credit for some of his wife’s work?

When someone quotes Gandhi to say “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”, do you talk about him sleeping in a bed with his niece?

By the way, if you live in the West then your comfortable lifestyle is based on the work of slaves of various degrees. From forced prison laborers in America to cobalt and lithium miners in Africa, to actual full-on slave markets in Libya because tptb didn’t like how un-exploitable the country was getting. We’re all hypocrites, and pointing that out when it’s not relevant just derails discussion.

Btw, Ben Franklin became an abolitionist later in life. He was elected as the president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery around 1785.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Well much like the owner of omegle found out you can’t provide platforms for criminal activities and make no effort to curb it. It only takes a 30 second google before you find telegram rooms offering all kinds of illegal stuff. You don’t find that on Twitter. Twitter is atleast mildly moderated. Telegram could have moderation built in to catch illegal activities but it chooses to do nothing. See the difference?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The fun fact is that while Telegram won’t make use of something akin to PicDNA to automatically detect CSAM, it will very happily take down your channel or group if you distribute copyrighted material.

They do know how to respond to copyright complaints. Not so much about other, far more serious sort of illegal activities. Just on that point, they should have expected something to be done against them.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> It only takes a 30 second google before you find telegram rooms offering all kinds of illegal stuff.

For fun, I tried that and was unsuccessful, at least in the allotted time.

Google turned up many third-party references to illegal activity on Telegram, but that’s not the same thing.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

You have to use the Search built into Telegram and you can find illegal stuffs within seconds.

Search for any of these phrases and it will return tons of channels to join:

– Combo lists
– Check fraud
– Redline Stealer
– Bank logs

There are tens of thousands of channels on Telegram w illegal content and material.

I really do hope they dont shut it down bc it’s an extremely valuable asset in terms of intelligence and monitoring criminals haha

Source: I work in CTI and actively monitor and scan thousands of Telegram channels.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It’s a lot of fun and a super neat project! I totally nerd out on it.

I used python and the Telethon and Pyrogram frameworks to help scrape and monitor em.

A paid Telegram account can be in 1k channels/groups. A free Telegram account can be in 500 channels/groups.

Good luck and happy programming!

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Telegram is end-to-end encrypted in private chats, the Telegram team doesn’t even know what people are discussing. Same should happen with Whatsapp or Signal. Should Whatsapp or Signal be accountable for what terrorists talk in private?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

App can have internal keyword check that could open backdoor to law enforcement when certain terms are said. *fbi enters the conversation* probably won’t be in your chat log anytime soon but you can’t argue telegram, signal and whatsapp can’t do it. Whatsapp being fbs darling almost certainly does already and signal servers anti spam folder is smelling mighty like a five eyes backdoor.

Tbh given both those apps company’s have dealings with gov in aus I’m gonna say signals probably already got a backdoor into em. If you don’t think so you don’t know aus law well enough or who signals are.

Also the owners of the apps aren’t liable for the content of the conversations. Their liable for providing a platform for the conversation to take place and for not knowingly taking available efforts to curb criminal activity on that platfor/service. It’s like hey I’m gonna rent you a store house to hide all your illegal drugs in Mr gang member. I’m not doing the hiding or anything but I’m assisting the activity by providing the store house. I could make efforts to curb such activity like you know doing a rental inspection once every six months but I choose not to and turn a blind eye. Am I assisting a crime or am I completely innocent? Now repeat this but telegram is the store house.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Telegram has an open-source client and is moving to verifiable builds (not on every platform). You cannot hide such a backdoor, and users would be able to recompile a clean version of the app.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Ursula von der Leyen is not the Queen of the EU, no matter how much she’d like to be. Other people have the authority to speak and act officially without checking with her. That doesn’t make their statements any less official, nor would her endorsement make them any more official.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

“Official” in the sense that the statement carries the complete backing of the institution and is a public declaration of its position.

The fact that it was wound back by the head of the EU’s executive branch – Breton’s boss – demoted the statement to “the opinion of the commissioner”.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Note that the article says:

> Breton is empowered to oversee enforcement of the DSA and can communicate independently with companies.

So maybe he didn’t need to get permission from anyone to send the letter.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The contents of the letter are within his brief, but the timing of it was done in such a way as to impact the EU’s foreign policy, which lies outside of his remit.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

EU has been complaining about Telegram’s end-to-end encryption for a long time and they want to implement some regulations to basically add backdoors into all messaging apps. I don’t really see how this case will go on since at least private chats are encrypted so Telegram (theoretically at least) can’t see the contents.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Except Telegram has much less E2EE than Signal or Whatsapp.

It’s not on by default, works only between 2 devices, they both have to be online at the same time and you can’t access anything from the web. And group chats don’t support it at all. Private chats are not end to end encrypted by default and it’s actually quite clumsy to encrypt them so almost nobody uses it.

It’s really weird that Telegram is singled out like this.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I can’t tell if it’s just uninformed grassroots mistrust of big tech, or the result of astroturf PsyOps to get more people to use the app with weaker encryption.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Encryption is really not the main issue here. I think nerds may not fully grasp Telegram’s security model: it’s essentially stateless, not tied to any particular country. Its infrastructure is distributed across various jurisdictions, with no official representation in many countries—no subsidiaries, nothing.

As a result, it doesn’t respond to authorities because it doesn’t have to. However, this approach is unsustainable and unacceptable for many governments, both in the East and the West. That’s why he’s being accused in France: he is not “cooperating with law enforcement”.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> That’s why he’s being accused in France…

Or it could be that he has French citizenship; subject to French law. Spreading your infrastructure across legal jurisdiction doesn’t make you stateless – it just ensures you’re subject to the laws of each jurisdiction you operate in.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> not tied to any particular country

I don’t think that’s accurate. Like any other business, he collects money from the Western users, so that’s one easy choke point. He is also fully accountable to Apple, otherwise he can forget about 1.5 billion Iphone users forever. (apparently, he also just seems to enjoy visiting France and other countries he decided to go against)

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> It’s really weird that Telegram is singled out like this.

wasn’t he bragging that he operates with like a dozen people or something. I can also see him just punting on many kinds of moderation (outside of the kind that helps running the service), because it’s a lot of subjective, dirty work and an army of people.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Signal and WhatsApp do have that. You can easily use group chats that way, you just have to get invited. You can’t look for them and join them.

It’s really easy for e.g. a drugdealer to post QR codes or something on lamp posts with their contact and then they can invite people. Making Telegram go away is just going to hide the problem, not solve it.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

That was my first thought as well. There are good uses for telegram and some things work better than signal ( API comes to mind ). But just from privacy perspective, telegram is much more easily neutered than signal.

I will admit I am confused. I can only assume something else is at play.

edit: The only thing I can think of is that there some rather gruesome channels showing Russia/Ukraine, Palestine/Israel toll. I wonder if it was decided that general population should not have access to these.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

If you don’t cooperate while having the data and your approach to legal compliance is “votes on your personal TG channel”, expect to get arrested. At least the services with actual E2EE worth a shit can make a convincing argument they can’t produce the data.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

In a way, Durov’s arrest retroactively vindicates every EU citizen’s decision to use Telegram (up until now), as it proves that they haven’t been getting what they want from him. I am not nearly as concerned about Durov himself or the government of Dubai getting to read my messages as I am about the EU or one of its member states doing so, as there simply isn’t much I can see the former doing with that data. The real danger only arises when the people who can read your messages and the people who can dispatch dudes with guns to your house are in cahoots. (For the same reason, I tend to roll my eyes at warnings about various forms of Chinese spyware.)

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

If Apple hypothetically agreed to iMessage backdoors, why would you trust the Telegram app updates served up by Apple’s app store? Western government’s can pretty much hack into any device they want – the only reason for backdooring messaging apps would be for dragnet surveillance, and I don’t see big tech having the appetite for the bad publicity and lawsuits that will result when that inevitably becomes public

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Apple already has a kind of “backdoor”: they store the keys for encrypted cloud backups in their cloud as well. They advertise that cloud data are encrypted but prefer not to mention that they also have a key to decrypt it. Even with the highest level of security (1) your contacts list in Apple Cloud are not encrypted. Why? Probably someone asked for this.


Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

CSV or PNG weren’t created with encryption in mind, but one can easily encrypt them. Apple can always make their own proprietary protocol. This doesn’t explain anything. However the version that the govt wants to be able to see who is in person’t contact list explains it well.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

If Apple did that, people like me would accuse them of EEE.

We don’t trust proprietary stuff because we’ve been burned by it, if there’s an open standard, even a worse one: use it.

If it’s really that bad, we need to improve the standard.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

You’re mistaken, you don’t only connect to your iCloud from iPhones.

You connect from any compatible client; and the effort that has gone in to the Mail client for iOS means it’s a decent enough mail client for non-iCloud mail accounts too.

Apples closed ecosystem is mostly its developer tooling and iMessage.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> If Apple hypothetically agreed to iMessage backdoors, why would you trust the Telegram app updates served up by Apple’s app store?

I wouldn’t. I don’t trust Apple hardware or software, and I don’t see why anyone who cares about these issues ever would. But fortunately Telegram runs on devices and OSes from a wide range of suppliers, many of which might be less open to the influences that apply to Apple.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> I don’t see big tech having the appetite for the bad publicity and lawsuits that will result when that inevitably becomes public

If your rationale against first-party backdoors relies on this logic, then you’re in for a really big surprise when you read the Snowden leaks.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Private chats are a hassle to initiate and not multi-device.

Most use normal chats.

With anonymous accounts, using anonymous +888 numbers, whose price has increased from $16 to $1000+ in a matter of a year, it is indeed a very convenient playground for all sorts of activities.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It was the default method of contacting the dealers on Russian darknet when everything was a just a message board (hell, it was available without TOR) and not a proper marketplace

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Why would a criminal mastermind pay $1000 for an anonymous Telegram account when they could buy a burner phone with a prepaid SIM included for like $20 to register and throw it out? In my experience the people who buy those are more Durov superfan than Keyser Söze. And evidence of criminality on Telegram predates the Fragment numbers by a while – for instance in like 2014-2015 pretty much the only time Telegram was in the news was in connection to ISIS. They could also just use Signal which is provably private.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

There are no vendors, Telegram issues those numbers. So it’s basically a pass to create account w/o mobile number requirement, if you’re ready to pay for it.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

That concept is as old as politics itself, the Romans already stated quod licet Iovi non licet bovi (What’s allowable for Jupiter is not allowed for cattle), the modern version of which is rules for thee, not for me or do as I say, not as I do.

BTW, install your own XMPP server and use OMEMO-compatible clients – Conversations on Android, Gajim on desktop – and you get to have access to non-surveilled (1)communications just like those politico’s.

(1) assuming that your client and server devices remain uncompromised, not a given if you happen to be a high-value target. Caveat emptor.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

/s aside, politicians need privacy for the same reason the rest of us do: they work with sensitive information and it’s really important they don’t get blackmailed.

Simultaneously, they need a light shone on their private lives for the same reason they want to do that to the rest of us: to make sure they’re not abusing their access to sensitive information, getting blackmailed, or otherwise being nefarious.

I have absolutely no idea how to fix this apparent paradox. Perhaps it can’t be done. Even if it can, tech is unstable and this is all a moving target — the way GenAI is going, I suspect that we’ll all have to carry always-on cameras that log and sign everything just to prove we didn’t do whatever some picture or video shows us doing.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> I suspect that we’ll all have to carry always-on cameras that log and sign everything just to prove we didn’t do whatever some picture or video shows us doing.

Yeah good luck with that :’)

PS: A change to “guilty until proven innocent” policy would require a serious constitutional change in most countries.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> A change to “guilty until proven innocent” policy would require a serious constitutional change in most countries.

Indeed, though there I was thinking more the court of public opinion which loves hearsay and rumour.

The actual law? I have no idea. Tech will change the world before the law can catch up with yesterday.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> This will be an interesting case to watch


Just shoot the case down. It’s stupid, it’s dangerous, and it’s evil.

I don’t want to be interested about it. I don’t want tax money spent on this. I don’t want these nanny-state fascistic technologically illiterate ideas to be legitimized on any level, much less EU wide by people with no accountability for the consequences of their actions.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

A bunch of people in comments here seem to misunderstand what telegram is. It is not just a messaging app, it is essentially a platform like twitter, with channels, hundreds of thousands of subscribers to those.
While I fully support E2EE communication with no back-doors, I think it is perfectly fair for governments to have some control to take down large channels that are clearly against the law. I do not know the true cause for the arrest, but I hope it is because of the latter not the former.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

The moment you put even the option of backdoors, some governments will abuse it heavily.

What might be essential right to human communication might suddenly become “illegal” according to the government.

So there should never ever be, under no circumstances, even the code and infra to be there to provide backdoor/censorships, otherwise it _will_ be abused by limiting people’s communication in the moment they literally need the most.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Ah very interesting. Thanks for making that distinction! To me, I’m wondering at what critical mass of people should you need to provide a back door to the government? Is it 2? 3? 100? 1000? Are the number of people the right indicator here? Genuinely curious of people’s thoughts. I haven’t though too deeply about this.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

There is no need for backdoor anything, when there are public channels.
I do not know the specifics of French case though, so I don’t know if their case is about those or some private chats.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

You seem to assume there is a “need” to backdoor the people’s communication. Liberty of the people assumes there is not a need nor a right of the State to do so

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

I think that interpretation of GP’s stance is pretty uncharitable.

If the thing they want to delete is run by an entity that has a physical presence in that country, then they — unfortunately — have the right to get that material deleted.

For better or worse, we are all bound by the laws of the place where we physically reside. If we want to do or allow things online that are legal where we are, but are illegal in other countries, then we shouldn’t visit those countries.

It doesn’t matter if anyone “endorses” repressive governments in doing their repressive things; they are legally able to do those things to people physically present within their borders. That’s just the reality of the situation.

France claims Durov allowed stuff that’s illegal in France. He went to France, so France has the ability to punish Durov for his alleged misdeeds. It doesn’t matter if we think that’s right or wrong; that’s just how the world works.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

National laws are largely based on the local morals; for instance in Europe breath is more or less indecent to show in public. A woman being topless on the beach, even in France, could be arrested, in theory (in practice it would just be “please put on some cloth, madam”).

The laws are (usually) defined by the people of a country, based on their idea of morality, and are totally in their right to reject blasphemous stuff or whatever. It’s their home, after all.

The only thing non-negotiable, to me, is that the Declaration of the Human Rights is universal and no law, anywhere, should go against them.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> in Europe breast is more or less indecent to show in public.

There is no single “Europe”. I have seen many women sunbathing topless in Denmark – it seems to be totally acceptable there. Haven’t seen that in France – but it has a very strong nudist culture dating back at least to the 60s. Some of these nudist beaches are actually famous e.g. Cape d’Agde.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

And then we didn’t even talk about Spain, and all the German tourists in, say, Mallorca. If anything, this is a stark difference between the EU and the US, in general — the EU is much less afraid of a nipple being shown in public, both in arts and everything.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

there is no solution to this. If you want to do business in EU (for example, to be available in EU’s Apple Appstore), you have to comply, otherwise Apple will be forced to kick you out, and if they don’t, they will be harassed by the authorities until they do. If you want to do business in Saudi Arabia or Turkey or any other country you agree or disagree with, it’s the same thing. If Turkey says something is “blasphemous” you either comply or withdraw from Turkey entirely. By now every government that cares has figured out how this works, and it really doesn’t matter whether you “endorse” this or not, this is how it works.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

No, there is no spectrum when it comes to Free Speech. Free Speech is an ideal that promotes total freedom to say whatever you want and is against all (state) censorship.

(And btw, I’m unaware of anything that exists that is a ‘spectrum’ apart from the electromagnetic spectrum. To have the quality of being a spectrum, the subject must continuously span a 1-dimensional space. It’s a way overused metaphor, in my opinion, especially for political positions which are anything but 1-dimensional.)

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> And btw

So you correctly identify that modelling it as a one-dimensional spectrum is a gross over-simplification. Then conclude that as it’s not a one-dimensonal spectrum, it must be a binary property? Rather than accepting that reality is more complex than is easily captured in common language?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> Then conclude that as it’s not a one-dimensonal spectrum, it must be a binary property?

I can see how you made that interpretation but that’s not what I was saying. Free Speech is an ideal (not a binary property). I doubt that that you will find any human society with a system of laws that puts absolutely no restrictions on speech. That still doesn’t mean that you can talk about Free Speech as a ‘spectrum’. It’s an ideal that ppl strive for, to varying degrees and across different domains. (Perhaps similarly to how Truth is an ideal that ppl strive for; Truth is not a ‘spectrum’.)

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Well, it’s an ideal that may be lived up to, protected and even enforced, and so it ‘exists’ whenever and wherever that happens.

It also happens to be an ideal that ppl will vigorously promote in certain domains, while betraying / discarding it in others.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> I think it is perfectly fair for governments to have some control to take down large channels that are clearly against the law

How is a channel “against the law?”

Do you mean access to the channel is creating opportunities for lawlessness that simply wouldn’t exist otherwise? I’m not sure the French justice system has demonstrated that it has exhausted all options other than to handcuff a CEO of one particular platform.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It will probably help if people take the time to read Article 8 in the European Declaration of Human Rights:

    Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life

    1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private
       and family life, his home and his correspondence.

    2. There shall be no interference by a public authority
        with the exercise of this right except such as is in
        accordance with the law and is necessary in a
        democratic society in the interests of national
        security, public safety or the economic well-being
        of the country, for the prevention of disorder or
        crime, for the protection of health or morals, or
        for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

Thus a channel where terror actions are planned /can be made/ “against the law”, but it will not automatically be so, unless there is a specific french law that makes it so.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

A channel that incites violence is against the law (in some countries). A channel selling drugs is against the law. These are few examples. I do not how the specific details of the French case to comment on the specifics. I could believe the arrest is poorly justified, but I have reasonably belief in their justice system.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

How does an inanimate object incite violence or sell drugs? If France can’t access these channels, how do they know the violence or drugs are actually occurring _in_ France? And if they could know that, what does Telegram have to do with it? Wouldn’t they just be able to go and arrest the violent person or the drug dealer?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> How does an inanimate object incite violence or sell drugs?

Please stop being so (seemingly-intentionally) obtuse about this. Certainly the participants of the channel are the ones who incite violence or sell drugs. But some laws also make it illegal to “host” the people who do those sorts of things. A Telegram channel can host these people.

> If France can’t access these channels, how do they know the violence or drugs are actually occurring _in_ France?

They can access those channels.

> And if they could know that, what does Telegram have to do with it?

Telegram is hosting the content, and apparently under French law, the host can also be liable.

> Wouldn’t they just be able to go and arrest the violent person or the drug dealer?

Not if they don’t know where the people are, because Telegram hides their real identities and locations.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> so (seemingly-intentionally) obtuse about this

I’m not being obtuse, I’m exceptionally uncomfortable with someone rather blithely saying a “channel is against the law.” I’m probing the depths of that. I’m sorry if this is somehow inconvenient to you but I have no intention of altering my behavior and I find it rude that you would even ask in such a way.

> A Telegram channel can host these people.

Is this the majority of users? Is Telegram intentionally marketing it’s services to these users? Does it do internal research to be more appealing to this use case?

> They can access those channels.

So Telegram is not intentionally hiding them from the government or preventing their discovery and infiltration by law enforcement? Then why arrest the CEO?

> and apparently under French law, the host can also be liable.

If you’re comfortable saying “well, it’s legal in France” then what do you hope to gain from further discussion with someone you believe is going to be intentionally obtuse?

> because Telegram hides their real identities and locations.

They are buying drugs? Doesn’t this require two people to meet up and physically exchange goods and money? What good does outlawing the channel do?

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

It’s not so much obtuseness as different assumptions about what is “normal” law: most young American computer-science trained programmers probably believe that ISPs or even Pirate Bay websites are not responsible for online crimes such as piracy, the authorities should go after the distributors of pirated material, and so this event does not fit the prior mental schema. It’s a difference due to values, expectations, context having to do with how we reason about technology and in large part this depends on one’s background technical culture, which varies depending on country as well as the type of university of study, exposure to Silicon Valley attitudes, etc.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Yes, and telephone operators are required to give law enforcement enough access in order to track down people who do crimes over the telephone.

Telegram does not do that, and does not shut down the illegal behavior. The problem isn’t that illegal stuff happens on Telegram, the problem is that Telegram won’t help law enforcement when that illegal behavior is found.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

> are required to give law enforcement enough access in order to track down people who do crimes over the telephone.

They are not; however, required to prevent certain people on a prescribed government list or criteria from owning or using a telephone or from dialing certain numbers.

> won’t help law enforcement

So it’s not because a “channel is against the law.”

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

“Probably” doesn’t cut it. If law enforcement doesn’t observe it (as would likely be the case on an E2EE-by-default platform), then there’s nothing actionable they can do.

If they do observe it, and the platform owners are responsive to taking down illegal content and/or providing information on the participants, then likely law enforcement is satisfied with that.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

you’re right. Only they have probably have the fullest data on how much crime is moderated or unmoderated on what messenger, the rest is speculation. He probably just got cocky and overconfident, thinking he can beef with the EU on the same level like Musk or Gates.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

North Korean meth is sold in bulk on Telegram channels in South Korea. Drug abuse is out of control and crypto currency is used by NK to sell drugs to SK and use funds for its regime.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport

Since it’s NK responsible for manufacturing the meth, I’m sure they have established easy methods to get it into SK, China, and shipping out of ports in NK and into other countries.