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Com TW NOw News 2024

The next possible severe thunderstorms in Michigan are already on our doorstep

The next possible severe thunderstorms in Michigan are already on our doorstep

The next weather maker capable of producing a series of severe thunderstorms is within the forecast window. Here’s when, where, and what so far.

A moderately strong cold front will move across the southeastern half of Lower Michigan on Friday during the heat of the afternoon and evening.

There are two severe weather conditions for Friday’s cold front. First, there will be moderate instability at the time of day that will produce thunderstorms as the cold front moves through. Second, an upper air disturbance north of Michigan will provide some of the upper air winds that a line of thunderstorms would need to become severe.

Note that I am not saying that there are high levels of these two extreme weather conditions, but rather moderate instability and moderate wind flow at high altitudes.

To compare Friday’s potential severe storms to yesterday’s severe storms, yesterday had twice as much instability, but much less in the upper airflow. Yesterday’s severe thunderstorms were born from the powerful instability alone, from the high temperatures and high humidity.

Below is what the Storm Prediction Center has predicted for an area of ​​severe thunderstorms Friday afternoon and evening.


Extreme weather forecast for Friday, August 30, 2024NOAA

This sketch gives you an idea of ​​where the thunderstorms will occur on Friday afternoon and evening.

Here’s what the Storm Prediction Center has to say about their extreme weather forecast for Friday: “Afternoon destabilization across the Midwest ahead of the advancing cold front will support the development of scattered thunderstorms. While stronger aloft flow will remain on the cool side of the front, moderate low to mid-level westerly winds extending southward into the Midwest states should allow for a few stronger storms to develop, including a few small clusters/line segments. The strongest storms will pose a risk for marginal hail and gusty winds, primarily tree damage, into the evening hours before an overnight convective decline begins.”

Wind gusts of 60 mph (96 km/h) are possible for Lower Michigan, which could consider this a mild extreme weather event.

There will be a lot of campers on the road, so expect possible short, strong gusts of wind and some travel problems.

In a line of severe thunderstorms, we only get a few minutes of scary severe weather. If you find yourself in the path of the severe thunderstorms, be prepared to take cover for 15 minutes Friday afternoon or evening.