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The stage of life that precedes the AUF for the family in the situation of Juan Izquierdo

The stage of life that precedes the AUF for the family in the situation of Juan Izquierdo

El País Editorial Team
A golpea and many of the muerte de Juan Izquierdowhat has been internationally in recent years in the CTI del Albert Einstein Hospital there is a card attack in the whole middle Sao Paulo and National during the final round of the octavos Libertadores Cup. This is a tip of the situation, la Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol (OW) there’s a family fucking problem.

Article 37 of statue of the player determine that the AUF has its charge “of a part of the injuries intended for the situation of football players who are definitively incapacitated in their activities, as a result of these events or directly or indirectly occurring vinculados”. Then it can happen that “the situation of well-known football players falls into these circumstances”.

For our part, Article 38 explains that “the beneficiaries of professional football players have an opportunity to follow their profession of service of the institution or to select the natural national selections, through viajes, or acts that are directly in the form Or indirectly there may be a relationship with this cometido, whereby injuries are experimented or which cause permanent incapacity for the practice of football”.

We continue: “In the event of a fall in the circumstances that preceded the previous incision, the players of the sector, or the concubines/hijos of football, benefited from part of the iguales”.

Juan Izquierdo gritando a gol para Nacional in the Campeonato Uruguayo.
Juan Izquierdo gritando a gol para Nacional in the Campeonato Uruguayo.

Photo: Estefanía Leal | Archivo El Pais

With respect to the segment of the football damages, the article 41 applies to the “indemnity of the freight of the AUF”. “The month of the misma is the equivalent of the ultimate salary for the football (against registration and private) more of the monthly promotion that corresponds to the concept of the first, is used in the form of a human for a period of 8 years (or a year later) la fecha del fallecimiento”, añade.

This is the confirmation of the national fall of 27 years, a gentleman of one of the years and one of the following years. “The Albert Einstein Hospital informed the fall of Juan Manuel Izquierdo, on August 27 at 9:38 p.m., said that a patient had a cardiac and respiratory disorder with a heart attack”. This part of the official medical center has continued the international campaign of Uruguay with the 2022 national season and the camiseta of Liverpool in the 2023 campaign.