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Toluca vs. America: Paulinho, Cardozo and Other History of History

Toluca vs. America: Paulinho, Cardozo and Other History of History

A goleada with the new goleador of Toluca and a figure of Leyenda, the Marco of the Mexican three countries before America

El America we see the llamas of Nemesio Diez in the direct match to the Liguilla and sucumbió after a 4-0 lead Toluca. Ahora, André Jardine’s equipment tends to go to the final of the game, a moment when he is not at the door.

The Diablos’ stadium has had a previous party, during and after the game, which means there are more relevant events in the game.

Caravana escarlata

Visit Del America causes your home’s equipment to demonstrate your local location. The arrival and clearing of the people who visited the caravan of old devotees who gathered a hora before the party began a day ago.

Las calles se pintaron de rojo with the bombas de humo. The singers, trumpets and tambores play leading roles with the apoyo singers Toluca.

Tifo de Cardozo

One of the special moments is that a gigantic exhibition takes place in the entrance of the equipment. The image of José Saturnino Cardozo, the companion of Alexis Vega and Paulinho who are fighting the tribunas, can say that the enthusiast is trying to save his escuadra.

The gesture provokes that it is propio CardozoIf you are a friend, you can take a photo with the fondo.

America is not going to Nemesio

The large amounts with the balance of the accounts are very high and are ultimately the last visits to Nemesio Diez. The equipment of the garden can be carried out several times during our last visit, but it is intended that the ball tends more with these empates and with descalabros.

Paulinho, virtual goleo campeón y feliz cumpleaños

The camp of the goleo leans on the man and pas on the ultimate juego of the regular jornada. Paulinho It is a story with 12 anotaciones, but the second part is defined solo and has a presión before Luis Malagón.

Paulinho I celebrated for 13 days by my lover of the last part with the men and some pastels.