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Trump is rude, but at least I know what he stands for, unlike Harris – Daily Breeze

Trump is rude, but at least I know what he stands for, unlike Harris – Daily Breeze

Well… Former President Donald Trump finally got the chance to debate Vice President Kamala Harris. From my perspective, what I saw was less a difference in politics and policy, and more a difference in personal style. Here’s my take on that particular issue in a nutshell.

While Trump came across as relatively vulgar and crude (what a shock), he also struck me as someone who relies more on intuition and street smarts than statesmanship and diplomacy to address tough issues, both here and abroad.

Harris, on the other hand, struck me as a textbook bureaucrat who speaks in “dreamy” terms like “aspirations,” “hopes,” and “joys” — just like a politician. She also did a terrible job of explaining her series of major policy shifts and how her policies have changed but her values ​​have not.