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Unity State: Mobile court to decide 26 murder, 4 rape cases

Unity State: Mobile court to decide 26 murder, 4 rape cases

Author: Michael Daniel | Published: 52 minutes ago

The mobile court recently sentenced 30 suspects, including 26 murderers and four rapists, to various prison terms in Unity State.

Ongueli Kuot Okumu, who led the trials, said his team traveled to Unity State on July 22 and returned to Juba yesterday.

The 12-member team included two judges, three attorneys general, a police detective and support staff.

“We went to Unity State with 12 people to run a mobile court, including two judges, four lawyers, three prosecutors, an investigator and three court assistants,” he said.

According to Judge Kuot, the murders and rapes were sentenced to prison terms ranging from months to ten years.

“I have presided over 30 cases, including 4 rape cases and 26 murder cases. I have sentenced the suspects who committed the murders to prison terms ranging from 10 years to 7 years and 5 months.”

Kuot said 90 percent of the killings were intentional, which is punishable by death. However, the court imposed the prison sentences because the families of the victims and the perpetrators agreed to blood compensation.

When asked by Eye Radio about the case of the man who murdered his daughter earlier this month, the judge said the case has been postponed until November.

“As for the case of the father who killed his daughter, it came to us late, so it was postponed until November for the next mobile court,” he added.

In May this year, the judiciary set up a mobile court in Mayom County in Unity State to handle a number of pending cases including revenge killings, rape, robbery and cattle raids.

The mobile court, the first of its kind in the region, is handling 42 criminal cases.

The court consists of two judges, two criminal defense lawyers, a prosecutor, a public prosecutor and three detectives.