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Com TW NOw News 2024

Virginia Tech Hokies lose Game 1 to Vanderbilt Commodores in OT: 34-27

Virginia Tech Hokies lose Game 1 to Vanderbilt Commodores in OT: 34-27

Well, that wasn’t the way the Hokies wanted to start their 2024 season. Regardless of the outcome, this game was frustrating on so many levels. The Hokie offense barely got on the field in the first half, and when it did, the play calling was short-sighted and plodding. The defense struggled with the mobile Diego Pavia, and his numbers show that Tech simply couldn’t contain him and prevent him from doing damage.

The 17-3 halftime deficit was discouraging enough, but the heat and relentless pressure gave Tyler Bowen’s short-court offense pause for thought. Tech scored 17 points in the third quarter to tie the score, with some crucial saves from the defense. They took a 27-20 lead over the Commodores in the fourth quarter, but with 4:00 left, Pavia made a stand. Vanderbilt’s offense took advantage of the Hokies’ soft coverage and got the ball in the end zone with under 2:00 left.

The Hokie defense seemed to be wearing thin and the Commodores, playing at home, kept up the pressure. With the score tied at 27 apiece, the Hokie offense, again with a chance to drive for a field goal attempt to win, couldn’t get a play to click, rushed the line of scrimmage too much and couldn’t even get a first down. With time on the clock and a short punt exchange, Vanderbilt drove itself to half the field in field goal range to try to break the tie with three clicks left on the clock.

And missed their chance to win the match in regular time

The problem with Overtime in the Hokies case was simple. The defense was completely exhausted and could not stop Diego Pavia, who claimed most of their OT yards and their TDs. The other and more concerning problem was the injury to Kyron Drones at the end of the game. Collin Schlee tried to make a game of it, but with no real patterns on the field and no chance to really get into a rhythm, Tech could not score a touchdown to extend the OT into the 2nd period.

The story of the season is about to be written

The Hokies had a spark in the 3rd and early 4th quarters, but as they entered last season, poor play calling, an inability to contain a running quarterback and a lackluster secondary allowed for a continuation of last season’s woes in just half a game. The Hokies had hoped to overcome their woes by playing well for just half a game. The first game of the 2024 season has given us a stark glimpse into the reality that they haven’t left that part of the past behind them.

The Hokies and Hokie Nation had hoped to improve after their Military Bowl victory, but instead they appear to have regressed to the missteps of mid-2023.

There should be some good mentions in this one though. Kyrone Drones, Stephen Gosnell, Jaylin Lane and Bhayshul Tuten on the receiving end of the backfield were the best players on the field for Tech. There were some good performances on defense, but not enough pressure and almost no containment on the defensive line. Unfortunately for Mansoor Delane, he had one of his toughest games to date and the Vanderbilt offensive coordinator picked on him without mercy.

Hokie Nation will have to rethink this. There is nothing to say other than this was a disappointing loss and a discouraging start.

Marshall plays at home next week, and suddenly it’s not an easy game anymore.