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What is Ángel Camacho?, the Mexican paranadador who wins three medals in the Juegos Paralimpicos

What is Ángel Camacho?, the Mexican paranadador who wins three medals in the Juegos Paralimpicos

Ángel Camacho, 19-year-old paranadador, wins three medals at the Juegos Paralympicos de Paris 2024: a plata and a bronze paratleta of the Mexican delegation with a large number of preseas and this is simply a veraniega. The metals come from the source that appeared in Tokyo 2020. With the story that was the orientation of León, Guanajuato was launched on the market after a decade of the top; the water is present in your living environment.

Angel of Jesús Camacho Ramírez was faced with the condition of Hanhart Syndrome, the character of the ausencia is a gradually variable porciones distales of one or more extremidades, with micrognatia. In the case of the angel it is presented with the use of his piernas and manos.

Ángel, he was the man of the marriage between Jesús Camacho and Francisca Ramírez, confronted with his father and mother, as being one of his men and his wife a love story, but what, all the time, he feels his feelings.

“I hang out with the children and with the people with my friends who can help me gain confidence in my mismo. Although there is another time, that I have a disability, I would explain that my husband and wife are not important, but that cannot be. My family is a pillar for me. Before there are people who see me or happen to me, but this situation cannot affect me”, dice Ángel.

Some people come with a foundation that offers occupational and lenguaje treatments. It may be that your first protection against the first years of the journey is gone. If you spend more time, it becomes detenia. If you want to use a child and save it, you can go a step further; actualmente cursa the carrera de expressionión graphic digital.

“Already in principle, because I have used the wrong protection, my family can give me an impulse to plan. The first time I used my mother: ‘¿Y si me caigo?’, I answered that I am levantaría and that I am going volvía to make me volvería a levantar’, says the paratleta.

The video of the angel that took place on December 28, 2017, was the day of his cumpleaños. My father is in an internet cafe and I think that the lugar does not have ten of his cakes. The señor Camacho remains that he no longer has to deal with extremidades. The answer to the location is decisive: the practical adjustment and the recommendation that you make to function as therapy.

“One of these things has ended up in an alberca. If the cosas are not fueron sencillas, it can no longer be like that, but it keeps floating. The principle is that it is ahogarm. Once you know that you want to know more about what you can do now, what you propose to me. Ten years ago, maybe a meta: Go get an Olympic medal”.

From 2018 to 2021, Angel won 17 medals (14 oros, 2 platas and 1 bronze) in the Paralimpiadas Nacionales. In June 2021, the first major event at an international level was considered, the Serie Mundial de Paranatación de Berlin, this colgo is during the preparations (5 oros in 200 m free, 100 m free, 50 m free, 150 m combined, 50 m dorso y 1 bronze and 50 m down), además, go to the Paralimpiadas de Tokio Games.

Only in the last 16 years the paradeportista is more joven of the Mexican delegation. During the first Olympic adventures it can not be long before you find the source in the dorso-prueba 50 metro S4. Participate in the cuatro finals: 100 m libres (4to lugar), 150 m combinado (9no), 200 m libres (5to), 50 m libres (4to). If you have found the podium, the angel is more.

The lunes workers on sábado, with their sessions (all the time long) in the alberca and one (des horas) in the gym are a routine to strive for a new meta: Convertirse in the Mexican paratleta with numero mayor the medals in history.

In the Juegos Parapanamericanos Juveniles Bogotá 2023 there were 2 oros (50 m dorso and 200 m free) and 2 platas (100 m free and 50 m pecho). I think that the Para-American Santiago 2023 in the age of 50 meters (50m dorso and 150m combinados) is like a plata (relevo mixto 4×50 free).

“If I miss manos and sin miss piernas, a corazón and a mentalidad can be much greater to collaborate with what I propose. Soja is a person who is terca and so it is necessary to earn medals,” says the paranadador.

In Paris 2024 came one of the three moments in which the delegation of the Mexican delegation was seen several times in the presentation of the Paralympic Games. Go to the plata medal on the dorso-prueba 50 metros dorso S4 and dos bronces, on 100 metros libre S4 and on 150 metros SM4. On the 50 meters long distance you have to drive five minutes and on the 200 meters free terminal to be on the point.