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São Paulo publishes a video while observing Michel Araújo’s bike through Juan Izquierdo

São Paulo publishes a video while observing Michel Araújo’s bike through Juan Izquierdo

São Paulo publishes a video that was repeated by Brazil three months ago and the images can be seen by Uruguay Michel Araújo has seen his companions recently instructed by Juan Izquierdo, national champion.

“The pedophile who receives his speeches and his energy, positive energy. It remains a bad thing, and there are not many who do that. Because you have a speech and energy that is increasingly precise. Thank you”, Araújo asked before his compañeros were in Morumbi this domingo.

While Rafin’s images are meant in the Brazilian way to comfort Araújo as he goes through his mobile journey, part of the final section will be concluded, the ultimate information about doctors and relationships with Izquierdo.

Argentine entrepreneur Luis Zubeldia responded to the domingo at the prensa conference: “He is shocked, the jugadores are more willing to mate and make sure that the family has a big chance. It is impossible to feel that we are in the case”.