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Tormenta de niieve and Thanksgiving: the last November 28 have begun

One of the most long and important celebrations in Unidos states is celebrated by everyone: Thanksgivingit is conocido as Día de Acción de Graciasin Spanish. Esta celebracion tene lugar the last new year and your main goal friends and friends are reunited with a traditional trip en la que se expresa gratitud por todo lo que se Tiene en la vida.

If you are around with the invierno, the Navidad and the Año Nuevo, the Día de Acción de Gracias contemplates the inaugural act of the festive celebrations. Yes, If you might distinguish yourself from the ultimate situation of the añosin duda, es the great (in many cases, abundant) capa de nieve que cubre a diversos estados del país, on November 28 all regions are blank.

Tormenta de niieve and Thanksgiving: the last November 28 have begun

The warning with the ruling of the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS, by its siglas in English), algunas zones of the Costa Oeste and the Medio Oeste of the Estados Unidos have been invaded by an affliction of the new day of the Accion de Gracias.

In California, specifically in the Sierra Nevada, see a springtime agony during this last part of the month, on November 26th. The phenomeno traerá nieve a las zones más altas de la cordillera en ocasionará vientos or hasta 88 kilometers per hora. Think of it as a prediction acumulación de nieve de hasta 1.20 metros (3.94 cakes approximately).

“A system of poor performance follow a column by Humedad on the Costa Oeste during the last period”, advise the Centro de Predicciones Meteorológicas. “It is likely that this will result in a cost and expense reduction, which could mean that Ia more modern, more intensive distribution on the coastal areas of Washington, Oregon and California”.

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In the specific case of California, look at the different atmosphere in the marketwhat extend the climate in the center of the city during the Día de Acción de Gracias. También se prevén nevadas and algunas zones of las Montañas Rocosas, in Colorado.

Las regions del Medio Oeste and los Grandes Lagos are the ultimate climatic testimonies, with luck and level haciendose present part of these lunes, November 25.

Para el jueves, 28, introducing a system of baja-presión displaced by this and entering the norest duration of the time,según the meteorology of CBS NewsNikki Nolan ; it’s an opportunity Discover the possibilities of Nevada in Nueva York and northern New Hampshire, Maine and the Adirondack Montañas.

Forecasting the climate in real time

Compare the climate forecast in real time. The map is represented by Windy.comIt is interactive, because it is possible customize your medida.

For mayor information and real time updates, visit el centro de notificationes del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional.

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