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Harris criticized by voter over Central Park 5 comments: ‘Race-baiting’ and ‘Lack of details’

Harris criticized by voter over Central Park 5 comments: ‘Race-baiting’ and ‘Lack of details’

As the presidential debate drew to a close, reactions to Democratic candidate Kamala HarisHer speech was mixed, with one voter criticizing her for “racial hatred” and “fear mongering.”
A Fox News Digital panelist criticized Vice President Harris’ performance during Tuesday’s presidential debate, which may be the only meeting between the two candidates before the November election.
When asked to name a specific moment in the debate when Harris “racially abused” Trump, the voter referred to her comments about the “Central Park Five.”
During the speech, Harris pointed to Trump’s past actions, including his discriminatory practices as a landlord in the 1970s and his role in the public outcry against the five young Black and Latin American men wrongly convicted in the case of the attack on a jogger in Central Park.
Harris criticized Trump for calling for the execution of the “Exonerated Five,” formerly known as the “Central Park Five.” He said, “I think the American people want better than that, want better than this.”

“I think that’s a hot potato, especially for a lot of African Americans, but she leaves out a lot of the details of that,” the voter said of Harris’s reference to the Central Park Five, as reported by Fox News Digital. “For example, the lead prosecutor at the time was a Democrat.”
The voter referenced a segment in the debate in which Harris accused Trump of having a long history of racial division. She pointed out that his family’s business was once investigated for refusing to rent to black people decades ago and cited his call for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, who were wrongly accused of raping a Manhattan jogger in 1989.
“I think he was gaslighted throughout the debate, and that’s probably why he was so defensive,” the voter said. “Even when he brought up the issue of race, he did it because she was cajoling; she’s using her blackness as a trope to get black votes.”
The voter concluded by stating that Harris never provided details about a plan for black voters that they would have liked to hear from the vice president.
“I would have liked to see her come to terms with the fact that, ‘Yes, I’m a black woman, and this is my plan for black America,'” the voter continued. “But she clearly doesn’t have a plan, because she’s not black at the core.”