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Com TW NOw News 2024

Is there a comet tonight? How to see comet A3

Is there a comet tonight? How to see comet A3


A once-in-many comet is currently hurtling past Earth.

Comet C/2023 A3 – known simply as Comet A3 – was first discovered last year and was first visible in the night sky earlier this month, with peak observations from October 16 to October 20.

The comet is expected to swing through our solar system in 80,000 years and never again.

Is there a comet tonight?

Comet A3 will be visible in the night sky tonight – and for the next few nights – if you know what to look for.

About 45 minutes after sunset, go outside and look in the direction the sun set. Use your hand as a guide for where to look; Hold your arm straight out, make a fist and align it with the horizon. The comet should be visible at that general point in the sky. Then scan the area and look for a faint, glowing ball slowly moving along the horizon.

If the night sky is dark enough – we have a full supermoon tonight – you should be able to track comet A3 for an hour or more as it moves from right to left before sinking below the horizon.

Sunday evening is probably your last chance to see comet A3.